Web Site Contributors
Elma Fraser Perry, daughter of Elmer and Agnes MacQuarrie Fraser  scanned all the pics & provided the info that her mother Agnes had collected from Walter in the 1950's.In addition, she provided the wedding pic of Jean & Sidney MacIntosh, pics of George& Jane MacIntosh, Agnes&John Allan MacQuarrie, Susannah MacIntosh & all Fraser pics.  She also typed the History of Smithfield in a computer format. Elma took & scanned pics of the tombstones of Thomas& Eliz. Glencross, Marg.& Samuel Cumminger, George& Jane MacIntosh
Elma then sent it by e-mail to the Webmasters who published it on this site.
Walter Francis Malloy was born Sept.25, 1922 Died July 2, 1972 owned the pics of  Thomas & Elizabeth Glencross, their children & spouses, also Edward James MacKeen & family,  The children of Sam. and Marg. Glencross MacKeen.
Provided most dates & info.
Agnes MacQuarrie Fraser
Born 1899 Died Nov. 9, 1960
Agnes made copies of these pictures and returend them to Walter.  She recorded data, supplied by Walter, such as birth & death dates, who they married, where buried , etc.
Catherine Lillian Jean MacIntosh (Left) Born Sept 30, 1914 Died Sept. 16, 1989, wrote the History of Smithfield . She provided the pictures of  Jean and /or her immediate family.
Jean's daughter, Judy Silver  provided some important info.
Ray Jordan,above contributed various pics to the site as well as  important data & dates.
Effie & Art Pelley
above, are the Web Masters