November 5, 2007, is Ginger's 6th Birthday.
Thanks fur coming to help her celebrate. Phelicity an E.T. are already here,
but there's plenny of cake an ice cream fur efury kitty!

Phelicity: Happy birffday, Ginger, mew look beautiful.

E.T.: Happy birffday, Ginger. I'm glad we could surprise mew.
We're invitin all yer furriends, too.

Ginger: Thank mew fur haffin a party fur me, dis is supurr!

Ginger: How fun, a birthday cake AN a tower full of cupcakes!

Phelicity: We luff surprisin mew an we nefur saw one of dese before.
I really like da butterflies.

E.T.: Lemme get da ice cream, we can't furget dat! An later we can all go out to dinner.

Oh, wowee, lookit all da gifts, thank mew! Click here to see dem!

Here's a souvenir fur mew, I'm so glad mew could come!

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