      This is a picture of Lad. He was our first Lab and was a very protected one. He was a stray that came to our place. My husband would try to scare him off but he kept coming back, so we finally kept him. It turned out to be the best decision. We had him for about 8 years then he got sick. It turned out that his kidneys were failing, so eventually we had to put him to sleep. We were devasted, so after a week or so, we went to find another and that is when I spotted Sally, but I renamed her Lady.

      This was our dog "Lady". We got her from the pet adoption center after our other Lab died from kidney failure. She was such a wonderful dog and she loved to ride in the van. She would go to the back and get up on the seat and she would ride forever. We always had to holler at her to make her get out, otherwise she would stay right there.There were times that we just left the door open and she would get out when she wanted to. She also loved her tennis ball She played with them all the time and even would go to sleep with one in her mouth. She would lay on her back and you could put the ball between her paws and she would play "drop the ball in the mouth", then she would take it from her mouth and do it again. She would do that for quite some time. She would also lay there and you could roll the ball to her, then she used her nose to roll it back. She did that quite well. She also like the sprinkler, as she wouldsprinklerstraddle it and let herself get soaked. She would also like to bite at the water. She really enjoyed that sprinkler. As she got older she would still try to play but then it was getting too hard for her to get around. She was 12 years old when I had to put her to sleep, she got where she could hardly walk, plus her heart was failing. My grandson had to lift her into the van so we could take her to the vets. She tried to jump upon the sofa but couldn't make it. When we arrived at the vets, they had to take her out on a stretcher, that is when I knew she had taken her last ride. That was just 2 months after my husband died. She was the best and so was he, they are missed.

      ThisRingSurf Paw Prints On The Heart Net Ring
      owned by Snoops World.

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