<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/snow_genie_2001/monstermash1.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

Trick or Treat! Trick or Treat!
Whoo’s that knocking at someone’s door?
Ghosts and Goblins and so many more!
Frankie and Igor, straight out of Folklore.
Witches and Cats I spy over there.
Oh my Goodness!
Is that a bat flying thru the air?
I think I just pulled a cobweb outta my hair!
I’m not sure I should have wandered out this Night;
Every place I go I get another Fright!
Scarecrows and Jack O’Lanterns spread out everywhere!
Spooky do they look, but really do not care
That they are only adding to my Scare!
Some may think this eve is all fun and neat,
Personally, I just Hope the Wolfman I don’t meet!
For Me this time of year is just plain too hard -
Thank Goodness I’m back at the old familiar Graveyard!
The Sun is almost up and it’s time to retire,
This Night has been Rough on this Old Vampire!


Written by J. Z. Porter
(c) October 2002
Bouncies and Blinkie from Michyland
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