Snowcrest Pet Contract Sample

Snowcrest Kennels Pet Spay/Neuter Only Contract
Seller: Snowcrest, Dan & Tracy Jarvis                   Buyer:
Address:                                                               Address:
City/State:                                                             City/State:
Phone: (360) 262-3442                                        Phone:
Email:                             Email:
This agreement, between Buyer and Seller, herein above named, lists the terms of a transaction for the sale of the below captioned animal:
Breed:                                                 AKC Number:
Registered Name:
Color:                                                   Date of Birth:
Price: $000.00                 (hereinafter “Price”)
Terms and Conditions:
Dan & Tracy Jarvis, Snowcrest, referred to as SELLER.  The other party referred to as BUYER.  The animal listed above referred to as DOG, no matter the gender or age.
AGREEMENT: In consideration of the purchase price listed above, the Seller transfers all rights, privileges and responsibilities associated with the ownership of the above described dog to the Buyer with the following conditions subsequent:
#1) The dog is sold to the Buyer for the amount listed above and this includes the dog with current shots, pedigree and AKC registration or AKC application papers for the dog.  However, please note that if the dog is purchased prior to the spaying or neutering of the dog, then the AKC papers will be held by the Seller until proof of spay/neuter is received from the Buyer.
#2) If the dog is not previously registered, it will be registered under “Limited Registration” by AKC, which  means the dog can only be entered in AKC performance events such as Obedience or Agility, but any progeny or get cannot be registered with AKC as a “Limited Registration” basically means to be altered and not bred.
#3) IF BUYER IS UNABLE TO KEEP THIS DOG, DOG MUST BE RETURNED TO THE SELLER ONLY --- puppy cannot be sold or given away or reside anywhere other than the home of the Buyer.  Under no circumstances does this mean the Seller will buy back the dog, but they will again take responsibility for the care and placement of the dog.  However, in the event that the dog is re-sold, the Seller will forward any monies received to the Buyer minus reasonable care and vet expenses incurred between the time of receipt from the Buyer and re-sale such as getting vaccinations up to date, any vet expenses and advertising to re-home.  If return of the dog to the Seller requires shipping, those expenses are the responsibility of the Buyer.
#1) Buyer agrees to exercise normal care in maintaining this dog’s health. Routine preventative care includes the following: annual exams by a licensed vet, annual vaccinations and annual fecal exams.  Normal care assumes that the Buyer will feed and provide fresh water for this dog, as well as give attention and love to the dog on a daily basis. If Buyer is found to be abusing or neglecting this dog by not following these MOST BASIC guidelines, the ownership of the dog will immediately revert back to Seller who may immediately assume possession of the dog.  Seller’s reasonable attorney fees for recovery of the dog in such a situation will be paid for by the Buyer.
#2) This dog will be given adequate exercise time and will NEVER be permitted to roam at large.  If Buyer is found to be abusing or neglecting this dog by not following these MOST BASIC guidelines, the ownership of the dog will immediately revert back to the Seller who may immediately assume possession of the dog.  Seller’s reasonable attorney fees for recovery of the dog in such a situation will be paid by the Buyer.
#3) If Buyer is ever unable to or does not want to keep this dog for any reason, he/she will be returned to the Seller at Buyer’s full expense.  This dog is NOT to be offered for sale or euthanized in a non-emergency situation without express written permission from the Seller.  This dog will never be sold or given to a research facility.  This dog is NOT to be placed in a shelter or humane society or turned over to a rescue organization.  This dog is NOT to be given away or allowed to reside with another person other than the Buyer.  Failure to comply with this requirement will entitle the Seller to a monetary fine in the amount of $2,500, paid by Buyer, as a result of Breach of Contract. Seller’s reasonable attorney fees for recovery of the dog and the collection of the fine will be paid by Buyer.  Additionally, rights and ownership of the dog will immediately terminate and revert to Seller who may immediately assume possession of the dog.
#4) The Seller will be notified within 3 weeks of any address or phone number changes of the Buyer and the Seller will do the same to the Buyer.
#5) Buyer agrees that upon the death of the Buyer, if the immediate family does not decide to keep the dog, the ownership of the dog reverts back immediately to the Seller and the cost to transport the dog back to the Seller will be paid for by the Buyer’s estate.
#6) This dog is pet quality as determined by the AKC standard and the breeder.  Therefore, it is being placed on limited registration.  Buyer should understand that “limited registration” means that the Buyer cannot show this dog in AKC conformation shows and Buyer cannot breed this dog.  It is understood that this dog is sold only as a family companion and is not intended or represented by the Seller as a show or breeding animal.
#7)  If this contract should also include time payments or any deposit, all payments and/or deposits will not be refunded should the Buyer decide to back out of the purchase of the dog.
#8)  Since this contract is for a “pet only” and not for breeding, the requirement that the dog is altered is mandatory, however, a reasonable time for the dog to adjust to it’s new home is acceptable by the Seller and this time limit shall not exceed 6 months from the date of sale. Therefore, if this part of the contract is not complied with, Buyer owes Seller a monetary penalty of $5,000 for Breach of Contract.  Seller’s reasonable attorney fees for recovery of this penalty in such a situation will be paid for by the Buyer.  Additonally, rights and ownership of the dog will immediately terminate and revert back to the Seller who  may immediately assume possession of the dog.
#9)  Since this contract is for a “pet only” and not for breeding, the dog is to be altered.  Therfore, in addition tothe provisions in #8 of this contract, if this dog has been used for breeding, either at stud or to produce al itter a puppies (whether or not said puppies are purebred), it will be considered a Breach of Contract and as such the Buyer will owe the Seller a monetary penalty of $2,500 per puppy produced from any and all breedings.  Seller’s reasonable attorney fees for recovery of this penalty in such a situation will be paid for by the Buyer.  Additonally, rights and ownership of the dog will immediately terminate and revert back to the Seller who  may immediately assume possession of the dog.
#10)  Buyer agrees that this contract will be bound by the laws of the State of Washington and that any dispute regarding this contract will be settled in a Washington court.
#1) (If any, they are filled out here in agreement with both parties.)
By signing below, both Buyer and Seller agree to all the terms and guarantees herein above listed.

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Site Designed by
Tracy Jarvis of Snowcrest Kennels & Aviary



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