2.) Decide how you want your phisical circle to be. A circle is the energy presented to make a circle, but you can use objects to represent it. Candles around you (tea-lights work nicely), smooth stones,  rose petals, whatever your intuition tells you. Also it's good to have a representation of the elements around you. In the North a stone/green candle/or leaves, to represent Earth, in the South a burning red or white candle to represent fire, in the West, a bowl of water/sea shell/or a blue candle, to represent Water, and in the East incense/a yellow candle/or a feather to represent Air.

3.) Now you will call the corners (watchtowers).
You will say: "Hail to the watchtowers of the north, and the element of earth, guard and protect my circle, be here now!"

"Hail to the watchtowers of the south, and the element of fire, guard and protect my circle, be here now!"

'Hail to the watchtowers of the east, and the element of air, guard and protect my circle, be here now!"

"Hail to the watchtowers of the west, and the element of water, guard and protect my circle, be here now!"

4.) Your corners are called and you must now cast your circle. You may have one tool to cast the circle: A black candle, the wand, or the Athame. Move clockwise around our space saying: "As I cast my circle round, I relieve negative energy bound, As I cast my circle round, I relieve negative energy bound,  As I cast my circle round, I relieve negative energy bound, So mote it be!"
The circle is cast.

5.) You may practice your rite/spell/magick now.

6.) Close the corners:
"To the watchtowers of the north and element of earth, your presence was welcome, Hail and Farewell.
To the watchtowers of the south and element of fire, your presence was welcome, Hail and Farewell.
To the watchtowers of the east and element of air, your presence was welcome, Hail and Farewell.
To the watchtowers of the west and element of water, your presence was welcome, Hail and Farewell."

7.) Close the circle:
Walk counter-clockwise with your tools and say: My circle is closed but is unbroken, through perfect love and perfect trust, blessed be.

Good luck.
Casting The Sacred Circle
--Rowan Moon Shadow