Pagan Gods and Goddesses
Personally I believe that the names of these Gods and Goddesses are aspects of the masculine form of nature (The GOD), and the female (The GODDESS). In rituals we will sometimes ask these "spirits" to be present for the traits/characteristics they have. You may use this page for reference if you are going to invoke/evoke a God or Goddess, or ask for a perticular blessing.
Adonis: Greek - consort of Aphrodite (Goddess of love)
Anubis: Egyptian - Jackal-headed God responsible for conducting souls to the underworld. Son of Osiris and Nephthys, adopted by Isis as her guardian. Helped Isis to restore the body of Osiris after his murder by Set.
Aphrodite: Greek - Goddess of love, consort of Adonis.
Apollo: Greek & Roman - God of the Sun, twin brother of Artemis (Goddess of the Moon)
Aradia: Italian - Queen and teacher of the Witches. Daughter of Diana and Lucifer.
Arianrhod: Welsh - Goddess of reincarnation.
Artemis: Greek & Roman - Goddess of the Moon, twin sister of Apollo (God of the Sun), daughter of Zeus.
Astarte: Greek - Goddess of fertility. Said to be close friends with Isis.
Athena: Greek - Warrior Goddess.
Bast: Egyptian - Goddess of cats.
Brigid/Brid/Brigit: Celtic - Goddess of fertility and inspiration. She is a triple Goddess (Maid, Mother, Crone).
Cernunnos/Kernunnos: Celtic - The Horned God, consort of the Lady.
Cerridwen: Welsh - Goddess of the Moon and of harvest. She is also linked to the Dark Mother aspect of the Crone.
Cybele: Greek - Goddess of natural caverns, worshipped on mountain tops. Priests of Cybele, called Galli, would celebrate rites with frenzied dancing and would often voluntarily castrate themselves!
Demeter: Greek - Goddess of the fruitfulness of the Earth. Sister to Zeus.
Diana: Roman - Moon Goddess and Goddess of the hunt. Brother of Lucifer. She shape-shifted into a cat and slipped into her brother's bed. When Lucifer awoke, he found his sister beside him, and from their union Aradia was born.
Dionysus: Greek - God of wine, fertility, and vegetation. Son of Zeus. Roman equivalent is Bacchus.
Dryads, The: Greek - Female tree spirits.
Eros: Greek - God of love and passion.
Flora: Roman - Goddess of springtime.
Fortuna: Roman - Goddess of fate.
Freya: Scandinavian - Moon Goddess. Consort of Odin and commander of The Valkyries.
Hathor: Egyptian - Sky Goddess, daughter of Ra and Nut. Protector of women.
Hecate: Greek - Moon Goddess, Goddess of the underworld, and Goddess of Magick. Associated with crossroads and the Crone.
Hera: Greek - Goddess of marriage. Consort of Zeus.
Herne: Celtic - see Cernunnos.
Hestia: Greek - Goddess of domestic fire (as in household fire for warmth/cooking), and of the home in general.
Horus (the elder): Egyptian - God of the all-seeing eye. Son of Geb and Nut. Has the head of a falcon and the body of a man.
Hymen: Greek - God of marriage and wedding feasts. Son of Aphrodite and Dionysus.
Inanna: Sumerian - Queen of Heaven.
Isis: Egyptian - probably the most popular of all Goddesses. She is a triple Goddess (Maid, Mother, Crone). Daughter of Earth God Geb and sky Goddess Nut, sister Nephthys, brothers Horus the Elder, Osiris (who she married) and Set. Set murdered Osiris and cut his body into 14 pieces, which he cast away. Isis searched and found 13 pieces but could not find the phallus. She reconstituted the 13 pieces and magically restored the phallus. She formed a union with the reformed body and bore a son - Horus the younger.
Kali: Hindu - Goddess of destruction and creation. Often called Kali-Ma ("the Back Mother"). Consort of Shiva.v Lucifer: Italian - God of light, brother of Diana.
Ma'at/Mayet: Egyptian - Goddess of justice, truth and the law.
Mithra: Persian - God of the Sun and of victory in war
Morgan: Celtic - Goddess of Water and Magick. From the Arthurian legend - Arthur's half-sister Morgan le Fay.
Muses, The: Greek - Daughters of Zeus, Goddesses of inspiration and memory.
Nephthys: Egyptian - Goddess of Midwives, daughter of Geb and Nut. Sister of Isis, and brothers Horus the Elder, Osiris and Set. Consort of brother Set but bore no children by him. Conceived Anubis by brother Osiris.
Norns, The: Celtic - Guardians of the sacred tree Yggdrasil. The three sisters of the Wyrd. Responsible for weaving and manipulating the web of past, present, and future fate.
Nut: Egyptian - Sky Goddess. Twin and lover of Geb (the Earth). Mother to Isis, Osiris, Horus the Elder, and Set.
Odin: Scandinavian - God of the dead and of war. Consort of Freya.
Osiris: Egyptian - Fertility God, brother and consort of Isis.
Pan: Greek - God of nature and of woodland.
Persephone: Greek - Goddess of the underworld. Daughter of Demeter.
Poseidon: Greek - God of the sea.
Ra: Egyptian - God of the Sun. Father of Hathor by Nut.
Selene: Greek - Goddess of the Moon, sister of Helios (the Sun).
Shiva: Hindu - God of the cycle of birth-death-rebirth. Consort of Kali.
Thor: Scandinavian - God of the sky and of thunder. Son of Odin.
Thoth: Greek - God of wisdom and of writing.
Valkyries, The: Scandinavian - Women warriors who brought the souls of those slain in battle to Odin. Commanded by Freya.
Venus: Roman - Goddess of love.
Vesta: Roman - Goddess of fire, both domestic and ritual.