When meditating you can listen to instrumental, relaxing, new age, or celtic music, anything without words that is at a moderate or slow tempo so your heart doesn't try to race with the music. Now, lay on the floor, with your back to the ground, eyes closed, and imagine tree like roots shooting from your spine into the earth, now your hands are growing roots, your head, your legs, your arms, your whole body is growing roots that are sinking into the earth. When you feel connected and part of the earth, and your body almost feels like you cant move it, gently make the roots you have grown go back up into your body. When they come up all the way, sit up (eyes still closed). Using your energy to grow roots in your MIND you have created a powerful relaxing white cloud like form above your head. Cupping your hands take parts of this cloud and place it on the body parts that "grew" roots and gently spread it across it. When you have smoothed out the entire cloud you are finished and you may now open your eyes. This form of meditation is known as "grounding", it gets your head out of the clouds so to speak and back on earth, your troubles seem to fade away and all you seem focused on is how relaxed and refreshed you feel. This is an excellent form of meditation to use if you are going to do any kind of ritual or spell so you are focused. Basic meditation can include just listening to your music with your eyes closed, your hands on your knees. Feel your breathing- the air coming in through your mouth/nose, filling your lungs and becoming warm, and then pushing out of your lungs. Now, feel your blood moving through your veins, feel the warm tingle of life flowing through your body. Do this exercise untill you feel at a good point of relaxation.  --Rowan Moon Shadow
If you are looking for this to be your path or just looking for any path, it's always good to start to meditate as it is for just a healthy lifestyle. The more you meditate, the easier it is to handle things that might pop up in your life. During meditation, you can also look into yourself to find the true path for you or reach divine insight.