SNOW GOOSE (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). This is the Earth Renewal Moon, and Snow Goose is the animal totem. From him, we learn beauty, tradition, transmitting, receiving, ceremony, and gregariousness.

OTTER (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). If you are born during this period, you are in the Rest and Cleansing Moon, and Otter is your totem. From Otter, people can learn to be playful, nurturing, prophetic, noble, curious and humanitarian in nature.

COUGAR (Feb. 19-Mar. 20). Those born at this time are under the Big Winds Moon. From your totem, Cougar, learn the lessons of initiative, speed, grace, territoriality and mystery.

RED HAWK (Mar. 21-April 19). This is the time of the Budding Trees Moon, and the animal totem is the Red Hawk. From him, people can learn the lessons of awareness, insight, truth, adaptability, prayer and openness.

BEAVER (April 20-May 20). This is the season of the Frogs Return Moon, and the totem for this moon is Beaver. From Beaver, we learn security, contentment, industry, balance, affection and patience.

DEER (May 21-June 20). The totem for the Cornplanting Moon is Deer. From this beautiful animal, people can learn sensitivity, grace, alertness, creativity and heart and spirit connection

FLICKER (June 21-July 22). If you are born in this time period, you were born in the Strong Sun Moon, and your animal totem is Flicker. He teaches us protection, courage, joy, rhythm, harmony, loving and nurturing.

STURGEON (July 23-Aug. 22). This is the time of the Ripe Berries Moon, and the animal totem is Sturgeon. We learn these from Sturgeon: determination, teaching, leadership, knowledge, depth.

BROWN BEAR (Aug. 23-Sept.22). Those born at this time are born under the Harvest Moon, and the Brown Bear is your animal totem. He teaches us caution, bravery, fairness, organization, curiosity and leadership.

RAVEN (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Raven is the totem for those born under the Ducks Fly Moon. Raven, very wise, teaches people spirituality, intelligence, community, duality and balance.

SNAKE (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). This is the time of the Freeze Up Moon, and if you were born now, your totem is Snake. Snake teaches the lessons of mystery, adaptability, femininity, transformation and healing.

ELK (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Elk is the animal totem associated with the Long Snows Moon. The regal Elk teaches us to be confident, strong, joyful, agile, wise, and responsible.
An animal totem is simply an animal or group of animals that a person identifies with spiritually. They can also be called animal guides. One of the most delightful inner connections that many people enjoy is with what we identify as Animal Spirits or Totems. That this experience and tradition goes back many thousands of years is shown by such evidence as the fact that 9 of the 12 Zodiac symbols are animals, there are archeological records indicating the use of Totem Spirits in almost every area of the Globe and dating from as far back as 3200 ACE and as recently as 100 years ago. It is also supported by the vast amount of corroborative lore supplied by, Norse and Celtic Mythology, Japanese Folklore, Australian Aboriginal teachings, Native American scholars, and spiritual development teachings from all areas of the world The spirits of these animals chose to dwell with your own spirit and stay with you throughout your lifetime. It is believed by many that you do not choose what animal you are spiritually connected to. But some do believe that you choose your totem, and they also choose you.