Soaring Eagle Award Application
Any Homesteader, Community Leader or Liaison may nominate a site they feel is deserving of receiving Yosemite's prestigious Soaring Eagle Award.

Only one site a month will be presented with this Award of Excellence.

The committee will be contacting the site owner, so please enter an e-mail address so we can contact them.

Please read over the award criteria at:
Soaring Eagle Home Page
Tell Me About the Site You are Nominating!
Copy and paste the following into an E-Mail. Fill in the necessary information.
Please use "SEA Nomination" as the subject.
1) What is the Member Name of the site owner? (if known)

2) What is the complete URL of the site: http://

3) What is the E-mail Address where the site owner can be contacted?

4) Nominated By: (Your Name)

5) Brief Description of this Site:

By receiving this award the site will earn the extra reward of increased traffic by joining the Yosemite Soaring Eagle Winner's Web Ring.

The committee will review your site shortly. The site owner will be notified by e-mail when the rating of the site is completed.

Thank you for nominating a site you feel is deserving of this award.

Past Soaring Eagle Award Winners
Past Winners - 1998
Past Winners - 1999
Past Winners - 2000