Wilbur's Picnic
I'm running with that brat Orville following close behind.  Can't a guy get a break?
This is my new best friend, John.  I love to meet people, and they are all my friends.  Mom calls me "Mr. Congeniality", whatever that is...
Howdy all!  I'm Wilbur, a sheltie and hearing brother to Orville.  My mom, Dayle, and dad, Tom, brought me to the picnic to play, play, play!  I just wish Orville would quit hanging on me all of the time.  Geesh, can't a guy go off and play with his buddies without an appendage?  I also love agility, and mom and dad took JUST ME to play with the jumps and tunnels.  I'm so lucky!
Now this is more like it!  Running with mom at the playground!  By myself!
That's me in the background with dad.  In front of us is Mary and Spec, and Blossom and Lynda.  Starr is checking the course out.  Thanks Suzanne for bringing all of these fun toys!  I had a great time with them!
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