So you want to know what kind of contest we have here at the Society?? Well we give out awards each month, one for author of the month, Site of the Month and for the top winners of our monthly challenge.

Author of the Month:
You can enter any story you want that you think that is to become the author of the month.
1.) It's not a lemon
2.) Not to many spelling mistakes ok?
I'm going to have a group of people who will read the fanfiction and rate it then making a winner for that month!!

Site of the Month:
1.) As long as the site doesn't have hentai on it, it counts.
2.) It doesn't have to be about fanfictions it can be about anything that deals with anime.
3.) It must have good navigation and a nice layout helps.
You can put up someone else site for the award if you want, just make sure that they know about it first! ^_^
And a group of people will pick the winner of this two. If you want to be one the these people then please tell me!! Email me or post it on the message board

Write a Christmas Fanfictions!!
You can have characters from any anime series and as long as it's not a lemon it will count. So that's it!! Tell your friends!!! Have fun ok!!!

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