SOCKS THE CAT says Meow! [AU]   Meow! [WAV]
Photo of SOCKS

© 2001, Presidential Socks Partnership, Inc.  - 703-920-5193 - email: SOCKSTHECAT@ATT.NET - fax: 703-521-6157

For a free copy of SOCKS THE CAT NEWSLETTER, please send your name and address and two 37¢ stamps to:
SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB, 611 South Ivy Street, Arlington VA 22204-2429


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On January 20, 2001, the White House web pages featuring Socks and Buddy were dismounted.
As a historical archive, Socks The Cat Fan Club has preserved these pages with the content intact

by SOCKS FAN CLUB President Jay Jacob Wind, Arlington VA

    We hope you enjoy reading SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB/BUDDY'S BUDDIES newsletter.  We cover White House news from a cat's-eye view  We welcome and often reprint any articles, letters, photos you send us by mail or e-mail.  We have more than 6,000 members from all over the world, including 200 from Texas.
    Please join SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB / BUDDY'S BUDDIES.   [Click HERE to join ] Every member gets a SOCKS FAN CLUB or BUDDY'S BUDDIES t-shirt, button, membership card, and newsletter.  You can also choose many other SOCKS FAN CLUB and BUDDY'S BUDDIES gifts.  We donate 10% of everything we earn on SOCKS gifts to Humane Society of the U.S. and Children's Defense Fund and 10% of everything we earn on BUDDY gifts to Children's Hospital in Washington DC. 

An Official Answer from Senator Clinton's Office

Date: Tuesday, 23 Jan 2001

Dear Mr. Wind:

         Thank you for your recent e-mail in regard to Socks.  The Clinton family appreciates your concern.  To make this time of transition as easy as possible for Socks, the family decided that it would be best, while the Washington residence is being readied for occupancy, if he stayed with someone that he knew and with whom he has spent a great deal of time in the last eight years.  Betty Currie who knows Socks well and shares the family's concern for Socks' well-being offered to take Socks to her home.  I understand that he is quite content and settling in very quickly.

Sincerely yours,
Alice J. Pushkar
Director of Correspondence
for Senator Clinton

The Supporting Cast Departs from The Washington Post, January 28, 2001

    Betty Currie, the faithful secretary has solved one last problem for her president.
    Quiet, dignified, churchgoing Betty Currie had the unfortunate job of coordinating Bill Clinton's trysts with Monica Lewinsky. When the heat was on, she even collected the gifts Lewinsky gave Clinton and stashed them under her bed at home. She was loyal when Clinton needed her.
    Everyone at the White House liked her. Especially the black-and-white kitty whose loving owner, Chelsea, went away to college far from home. "Socks spent all of his time perching in that outer office" near Currie's desk, one administration insider said. "She had all kinds of goodies for him. She's been like his godmother."
    The cat was famous in the early years -- even had a book on the bestseller list. But his stock fell when the president adopted a chocolate Labrador retriever named Buddy. In the rough days when Clinton was deep in the doghouse, Buddy was his unquestioning companion. The White House was big enough for the two of them, Socks and Buddy.
    Now that's changed: the house in Chappaqua, the house in Washington, the apartment at the Clinton library in Little Rock -- none was deemed a suitable home for the cat. So Betty Currie stepped in -- from godmother to adoptive mother.
    She'll be one of the last to leave the Clinton presidency. Currie plans to assist Clinton six more months, working on his transition to the rest of his life.
    "She's a caring, wonderful human being whom people around here love," a colleague said. "It's in part because she takes care of people." And cats.

Quote from The Washington Post, January 24, 2001
    "We appreciate the offer, but Socks expects his Social Security taxes to be paid. That was a little catty of me, wasn't it?"
    -- Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's press secretary, Howard Wolfson, responding yesterday to former Bush labor secretary nominee Linda Chavez's offer of food, shelter and employment to the displaced Clinton family feline.

Chavez: No Cat Got Her Tongue! from The Washington Post, January 22, 2001
    Remember Linda Chavez? She was President Bush's choice to head the Labor Department before her nomination went splat with the news that she gave housing, work and money to an illegal immigrant from Guatemala. Yesterday Chavez phoned us to offer room and board -- and, yes, employment -- to yet another refugee.
    "I'm happy to offer a home to Socks," she told us from her nine-acre farm in Loudoun County that she shares with husband Chris Gersten. "There are plenty of mice here, so I would expect him to catch a few mice to earn a place here. I've got three aged and decrepit dogs, two lame horses and a middle-aged parrot, so I guess an old cat would just about round out my menagerie."
    Chavez -- who writes a newspaper column, runs the Center for Equal Opportunity and gives speeches (her lecture fees have jumped since her nomination misadventure) -- said she's making the offer because she's worried about Socks. On leaving the White House last Saturday, Bill Clinton and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) ditched the 9-year-old family feline, depositing him with Clinton White House secretary Betty Currie because he can't get along with pet Labrador Buddy. But it's unclear if the arrangement is temporary or permanent, and Chavez stands ready to fill the vacuum.
    "When I heard the Clintons weren't taking him with them, either to Chappaqua or their new house on Embassy Row, it just broke my heart," she said. "I assume he's neutered. I wouldn't want any unneutered Clintons in my house."
It's Official: Socks to Go to Betty from The Washington Post, January 20, 2001
    It's official: After much back-and-forth, the Clintons have finally decided to give 9-year-old Socks to Bill Clinton's secretary, Betty Currie, when they start their new lives outside the White House today.  But not to worry. "Betty has been one of his biggest and most adoring fans," family spokeswoman Lissa Muscatine told us yesterday.

SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB Preserves Clinton White House for Kids Web Pages
    In anticipation of the transtion described in the article below, SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB downloaded the entire White House for Kids web pages, as a historical archive, one day before the Bush Administration pulled the cyber-plug.  SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB made no changes in the content and preserved all of the links.
    Take a look -- click on

Transition on the Web -- The CyberHouse Rules from The Washington Post, January 19, 2001
    Al Gore may not have invented the Internet, but it was on the Clinton-Gore administration's watch that the Internet took off. The first White House Web site was unveiled in October 1994.
    Thus at noon Saturday, January 20, the first cybertransition took place.   With the click of a mouse, more than 20,200 White House documents will move -- without a packing box or handtruck in sight -- to make way for material from a new pressident, George W. Bush.
    And for the first time, the National Archives will go digital. It will load up the Clinton White House speeches, releases, briefings and photos and put them up on its Web site:
    "You won't have to depend on someone to look up the information and send back a letter to you five or 10 days later. You can go directly to the Web site and find an answer," said Sharon Fawcett, deputy assistant archivist for presidential libraries for the National Archives and Records Administration.
    Those hoping for similar access to the reams of documents put online over the last eight years by the Pentagon, the State Department and other government agencies will have to wait a litle longer, archives officials say.  Every department and agency that hosts a Web site was directed by the archives to provide a "snapshot" of its site by Inauguration Day on CD-ROM and provide it within 60 days, they said. The snapshot would capture everything on the site at that moment in time.  The idea, Fawcett said, is eventually to make those sites available online. In the interim, officials expect to make the CD-ROMs available to the public for a fee.
    However, some federal Webmasters say they didn't have enough time for the project, and that NARA did not provide money to complete the task. In response to those concerns, the archives is allowing agencies to do a simple backup of files from their sites from which a snapshot can be made later.  Brewster Kahle, president of the Internet Archive, which is working with the Library of Congress to store Web sites related to the presidential election of 2000, lauded the archives' effort, but said it does not go far enough.  "You're getting the big institutions -- the Library of Congress, the Smithsoniann, the archives -- changing their actions to go digital," he said.
    "What they're doing now is a good first step, but they need to go much, much further toward preserving and making much more accessible our digital heritage -- by recording not just one Web site, all Web sites, all digital music, television, radio. And comprehensive collections, not just samples."
    If all goes as planned, the formal cybertransition will take place at 12:01 p.m. Saturday. That is when the Bush White House will occupy the Web site that currently offers pictures of Socks and Buddy and the Clinton family and the texts of 404 presidential radio addresses.  The initial Bush White House Web site will be "very slimmed down," Bush spokesman Tucker Eskew said. There will be a biography of the president-elect and an introduction to his administration.  The long-range goal, Eskew said, is to provide much more information in an "interactive" way -- "a Web site . . . that can be customized and used by a variety of audiences."
    Since the White House Web site debuted in 1994, it has drawn between 1 million and 2 million hits a day. Its browsing ease allows one to search 20,208 documents, for instance, and quickly pull up the poem Maya Angelou read at Clinton's first inaugural and the ethics rule he announced that day -- since rescinded -- that banned political appointees from lobbying their agency for five years after they leave office.
    The Clinton Foundation, which is building a $125 million presidential library in Little Rock, will launch its own Web site with historical material to be linked to the archives site.

Even President Clinton Himself Doesn't Know!
from Presidential Press Conference, THE WHITE HOUSE, January 12, 2001, The South Grounds, 11:10 A.M. EST

    Q  Are you really giving Socks away?

    THE PRESIDENT: Oh, I don't know.  I did better with the Arabs -- the Palestinians and the Israelis than I've done with Socks and Buddy.  (Laughter.)  And I won't have as much space or as much help in managing them, so I'm trying to figure out whether I can do it.  Because I've had that cat a long time.  You know, we took him in as a stray back in Arkansas, and I hate to give him up, although Betty and a lot of other people here in the White House really love him.  It's just another one of those places where I haven't yet made peace.  But I've got eight days.  (Laughter.)  Thank you.

Where Will Socks Go After January 20?
    USA Today reported on January 9 that SOCKS will not be moving to either of the Clintons' new houses on Whitehaven Parkway in DC or in Chappaqua NY, but rather to the quiet suburban home of Betty Currie, Bill's longtime secretary, and then to the Curries' retirement farm in the Virginia countryside, where Socks would have the freedom to explore.
    On Wednesday, January 10, however, White House press spokesman Jake Siewart neither confirmed nor denied the story.  On Thursday, January 11, Reuters asked President Clinton the same question.  On Friday, January 12 (Jay Jacob Wind's birthday), President Clinton himself could not confirm or deny.  See above.
    Since then SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB president Jay Jacob Wind has been interviewed by Fox Morning News, Inside Edition, NBC Today Show, New York Post, Philadelphia Enquirer, WMAL Washington DC, WRCK Syracuse NY, WRKO Boston MA, radio stations in Iowa, Minnesota, North Carolina, and Oklahoma; Bob Vella's Pet Talk America ( author of "300 Incredible Things for Pet Lovers on the Internet" (, and Leah Fleming and Alex Chadwick's show on National Public Radio at 10 am on Wednesday, January 17

    Wait, there's more!
    George W. Bush's six-toed tabby, ERNIE, will NOT move to the White House on January 20.  Instead, Ernie will go to Brad Freeman's family in Los Angeles, California.
    Bush's black female cat, INDIA, however, WILL join the Bushes in the Presidential Mansion, as will Bush's dog SPOT, one of Millie's pups; and Laura Bush's new pup, BARNEY, a Scottish terrier.
    For lots more information, visit SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB's website at
    If you want a free copy of the final SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB newsletter #24, please send your name and address and two 34¢ stamps to


From People Magazine, Jan. 12, 2001 (Jay Jacob Wind's 51st birthday!) Copyright © 2001 Time Inc.
"I have purroudly served this nation," Socks said in his farewell letter.
SocksWhile Buddy will follow the Clintons out of the White House,
the First Cat appears headed to a new owner"I

    During his owner's first term in the White House, Socks was the cat's meow. Purred over by the Clintons and their guests, the First Pet tracked squirrels on the South Lawn and catnapped outside the Oval Office. Then came 1997, and the President chose a new running mate: Buddy the chocolate Labrador retriever. The winner of the ensuing catfight now seems clear. USA Today reports that when the Clintons leave the White House on Jan. 20, Buddy, 3, will divide his time between his owners' new homes in Chappaqua, N.Y., and Washington, D.C., while 10-year-old Socks will pussyfoot his way to the northern Virginia house of Betty Currie, 61, the President's longtime secretary. Though Hillary Clinton called Currie "one of our cat's greatest fans" in the 1998 book Dear Socks, Dear Buddy, the White House officially says the final, final decision has yet to be made by Chelsea Clinton.

    It was Chelsea, then 11, who adopted the stray after seeing him at her piano teacher's Little Rock home in 1991. In the White House Currie often gave Socks treats. "He has always enjoyed her company," says Socks Fan Club president Jay Wind.

    Still, some may speculate that Socks was the victim of a vast right-paw conspiracy engineered by Buddy. No matter where he finally curls up, Socks will doubtless keep busy. In a farewell letter posted on his fan club's Web site, he says, "I expect to work on my meowmoirs."

Interview of President Clinton by Reuters News Service
from Presidential Press Conferece, Aboard Air Force One, en route to Andrews Air Force Base, Thursday, January 11, 11:37 P.M. EST

     Q    What about Socks?  What's going to happen to Socks?
     THE PRESIDENT:  Well, I don't know.  You know, I made more progress in the Middle East than I did between Socks and Buddy.  (Laughter.)  And
I don't know that I've got enough space and enough help when I'm gone to keep them both away from one another and keep them both happy.
     But I still haven't quite resolved what to do. I love that old cat. You know, we picked him up as sort of a half stray in Arkansas, and I hate to give him up.  But Betty loves him; half the White House loves the cat and the other half loves the dog.
     Q    You can't break them up into that many pieces.
     THE PRESIDENT:  No, no.  I'm sure going to take -- I know I'll take Buddy, because I slept with him for 16 months all during the Senate campaign.  He was with me all the time.  (Laughter.)  I can't live without him.
     But I really -- I've even talked to some of the guys, a couple of the guys at the White House are quite good at training pets, and we've all kind of tried to work at this.  None of us have been able to figure out how to actually get them in peaceful coexistence.
     I feel of all the skills I learned as President in bringing these people together, I didn't do very well with that.  (Laughter.)

Will He or Won't He?
from an Official Briefing, Wednesday, January 10, by White House press secretary Jake Siewart

     Q    On this big decision that he has on whether to take Socks and Buddy --
     MR. SIEWERT:  There are no developments on the Socks-Buddy peace process today.
     Q    What is the story here?  Why can't he take them both?
     MR. SIEWERT:  Well, I think the President -- I'm not going to say much beyond what I said yesterday.  The President has tried, worked pretty hard on this, and there's nothing new on that today.  But I'll let you know if we --
     Q    They get along here, don't they?
     MR. SIEWERT:  We've got a lot of space here, and maybe that makes it easier.
     Q    Could we just ask you for on-camera purposes, what are the parameters of this peace process? (Laughter.)
     MR. SIEWERT:  It's a family matter, probably best not discussed on camera.  But the President said he's worked to try to get them to get along, and we'll let you know if we succeed in that effort.
     Q    But is there a discussion of a separation, perhaps a Socks stays in New York and --
     MR. SIEWERT:  There are a lot of different options, a lot of different options.  We haven't made a final decision.
     Q    Does he have a preference of a pet?
     MR. SIEWERT:  No, I'm not going to get into that here.  I don't think so.
     Q    They fight like dogs and cats.
     MR. SIEWERT:  I was instructed that the pet peace process was moribund today.
     Q    Yes, but there's little doubt that Buddy is his favorite these days.  (Laughter.)  I mean, he's not even-handed on this, is he?
     MR. SIEWERT:  We're not playing favorites here.  I mean, the dog is a regular here in the West Wing.  You've probably seen him.  I understand he wanders back here from time to time in search of God knows what.
     Q    Why doesn't Chelsea take her own cat?   If Dennis Ross isn't doing anything -- (laughter.)    Chelsea can't have a cat at Stanford?
     MR. SIEWERT:  I don't know, actually don't know what the rules of the dorm are there.  But, look, they'll work this out one way or another.  We'll let you know.
     Q    -- hopeful?
     MR. SIEWERT:  We are very hopeful.  (Laughter.)
     Q    -- to the last day of the administration?  (Laughter.)
     MR. SIEWERT:  To the last day of the administration, we're going to keep working on it and see what we can do.

Where Will Socks Live After January 20?

    Exclusive photos of Socks' new home in Arlington, Virginia © 2001 by Jay Jacob Wind

    Exclusive photos of the Clinton's home on Whitehaven Parkway in Washington, DC © 2001 by Jay Jacob Wind

The Truth About Cats & Dogs, from The Washington Post, The Reliable Source, January 10, 2001

    The White House spin machine was at pains to clarify yesterday's USA Today report that 9-year-old Socks, who has been locked in a blood feud with chocolate Labrador Buddy, will be fobbed off on President Clinton's secretary, Betty Currie, when the family moves out on January 20. "It is not a done deal," White House spokeswoman Cheri Stockham told us. "There are still a couple of outstanding issues, so at this point there is no truth to the story." White House press secretary Jake Siewert told reporters that the president is still determined to bring Socks and Buddy together: "He's going to work on this until his last day in office." But we're giving better odds on Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat. In other presidential pet developments, incoming White House resident George W. Bush won't be bringing his cat, Ernie, because the still-clawed feline might scratch up the furniture, but three other family faves will move in: India, a declawed black cat; Spot, an English springer spaniel (a descendant of former first dog Millie); and Barney, a Scottish terrier puppy.

Quote of the Day, from The Chicago Tribune, January 15, 2001

    "I met him many times.  He never scratched, he let everyone pet him, and he greeted everybody.  He really knew how to work a rope line."

--Jay Jacob Wind, president of the Socks Fan Club,
on a report that the First Family's cat will be leaving the White House
to live with presidential secretary Betty Currie.
Reigning Cat and Dogs, from The New York Times: January 14, 2001
by Hubert B. Herring

    Does Hillary, in private, hiss at Bill? Will Senator Clinton write a tell-all book, or merely a tell-most? Such cosmic questions must, alas, await publication. What is on record, though, is that Socks, lame-duck cat, most definitely hisses at Buddy, lame-duck dog.  Bipartisanship is nonexistent; the president's time-tested negotiating skills have failed him.

    What to do?  While Mr. Clinton can, come Saturday, hand over any unresolved Mideast and Capitol Hill tensions to President Bush, the new White House tenants probably don't want Democratic pets skittering about their ankles. So while Buddy heads for Chappaqua, Socks' fate, at last report, is unclear.  Loyalty may wind up, as it so often does for politicians, to be only fur-deep, and the cat may have a new home   possibly with Betty Currie, President Clinton's secretary.

    That would leave just one matter unresolved: whether Socks, in retaliation, will switch parties.

Hey, I'm Socks the Cat!
as told to Gloria Campisi, Philadelphia Daily News, January 12, 2001
Socks the Cat, at the podium of the White House briefing room,
tells the Daily News he's not happy with Bill's slobbering dog,
and wants to know where he's going to live
    Now, I ask you. Do I deserve this?
    After a decade of faithful service to Bubba and the Bride, the last several of them skirting the hot breath of that drooling fool Buddy, I am threatened with eviction from the Clinton clan when it leaves the White House.
    First, USA Today reports I won't be going with Bill, Hill, and Chelsea (my real owner), when George W. is sworn in.
    Instead, the paper said, I'll be farmed out to the home of Bill's secretary, Betty Currie, in the suburbs of Virginia.
    Don't get me wrong. I don't have anything against Betty.
    She lets me play on her desk and nose around in her butterscotch bowl.  She scratches and pets me as the most important people in the world come and go from the Oval Office.
    But to the suburbs in Virginia?  After prowling the corridors of power for eight years? I have my own White House Web site and Fan Club. I'm Socks the Cat!
    Then, they hold a press conference, where they chuckle and say they haven't made up their minds yet where I'm going to live.
    I'm a cat in limbo.
    I could go to Hillary's new Senate office or the family's Georgetown house. Chelsea is away at college in California.
    Buddy will probably get the run of Hill and Bill's house in Chappaqua, N.Y.
    I guess it's another of those truisms, like "the wife is always the last to know."
    Yep, "the cat is always the first to go."
    That's what some experts are telling my co-author, Campisi.
    "It's usually the cat that people turn in," when a new puppy enters the household, Tara O'Brien, adoption center director for the Pennsylvania SPCA, told Campisi."Incompatibility with other pets" is among the top 10 reasons cats get turned in at shelters, according to the National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy, Holly McGurgan, of the Women's Humane Society in Bucks County, told Campisi.
    When they bring cats into the shelter, "People usually say the cat and dog don't get along," this Tara lady says. She says owners often "take it more seriously than they should."
    "A lot of times the cat hides, where they used to walk all over the house and lay on the sofa and have been very cuddly and affectionate.
    "You don't see them, all of a sudden. A lot of times, they're under the bed or in the closet, trying to hide . . . Sometimes they don't want to try and go downstairs to use the litter pan."
    But give it time, this Tara lady says, and usually the cat and dog will work it out.
    It's obvious she doesn't know Buddy. Typical high-maintenance chocolate Lab. Everything has to go his way.
    I used to loll on the White House lawn on a 20-foot leash, presenting the perfect photo op.
    It's true, I've rarely been seen since Buddy arrived at the White House as a gift pup in late 1997.
    I admit I've thrown a few hissy fits in his company. I did jump on to Bill's shoulder when first introduced to the Buddster.
    But you'd get miffed too if Buddy was always rushing to the first helicopter to welcome Bill home. Just making brownie points, I say.
    Not to mention Buddy always reminding everyone he's a pure-breed and my ancestry is, um, a bit cloudy.
    Chelsea's music teacher found me under her porch as a kitten in Little Rock. Chelsea and her dad adopted me in 1991, according to my fan club. (I don't remember that far back.)
    So, enough already. You can't just toss me aside. I'm Socks the Cat! Bill, I've been loyal. Never cooperated with the press.  But cats have a great sense of hearing. Night vision?  Nobody's better.  After eight years in your White House, I could make trouble.
-- Staff writer Gar Joseph contributed to this report.

Socks on Cover of DNC Calendar

    Although cats are generally independent, this year's Democratic National Committee calender features Socks on the front cover.  For a copy, click on DNC requests a donation of at least $25.

Biographies of First Pets Socks and Buddy
by Jay Jacob Wind, President, SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB / BUDDY'S BUDDIES

    Socks was born around January 29, 1991, in Little Rock, Arkansas, an American shorthair of unknown breeding.  He was about two months old when Chelsea met him and adopted him on March 29, 1991.  He lived under the porch at Chelsea's music teacher's house, abandoned with his twin Midnight.  Chelsea's first words upon seeing Socks were "Ooh, I love him.  Can I keep him?"
    Buddy was professionally bred by Linda Renfro of Easton, Maryland  Buddy was born in September 1997 in Easton, Maryland.  He was trained by Greg Strong of Easton and was four months old when the Clintons adopted him.  The two First Pets have never gotten along, as illustrated on our web site in the three famous photos taken January 6, 1998, of Bill separating Socks and Buddy in their spat on the South Lawn:

    The two pets did, however, pose for a photo on either side of a couch, separated by Hillary Clinton, in her book Dear Socks, Dear Buddy.
    For more biographical information, see SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB

Photo: George W. Bush's limousine in the inauguration motorcade  ||  Photo: Richard Cheney's limousine in the inauguration motorcade
Protestors with signs  ||  One patient police officer  ||  Many patient police officers
Photos © 2001, Jay Jacob Wind
All materials on this website are copyrighted and may not be used without express written permission.

Our Recent Newsletters are also on-line:

1st CAT T-shirts, Pocket shirts, Mousepads, and Mugs
    NEW - Order "1st CAT" Stuff!
MUGS, T-SHIRTS (with pocket-sized Socks), and MOUSEPADS by SylviAnn Murray
Cat Of The Month: Gilda
    I got all dressed up to wish you good luck.  My nana told me you were moving...not really sure where you are going ... New york or maybe just down the street.  Since I have my own e-mail address, too, maybe you can write sometime.
-- Meow, Gilda Marie
First Pets Throughout American History

    SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB has compiled the only complete list anywhere of all the First Pets since George Washington's presidency.

Socks The Cat's Quotations from Chairman Meow

    SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB has compiled a complete list of quotes to live by, for any  presidency.

Socks The Cat Fan Club recommends:
Perennial Best Sellers
Dear Socks, Dear Buddy: 
Kids' Letters to the First Pets 
by Hillary Rodham Clinton. 
Includes photos of Socks and Buddy actually getting along! 
See review on page 1.
Buy the Book Today!
The Cat in the Hat Game by University Games For 2 to 4 players, ages 4 and older; Includes game board, 4 playing pieces, 40 picture cards, and spinner; Skills: color recognition, counting, matching, strategy skills.    Buy the Board Game Today!
Socks and Cretin: Two Democats Helping Bill With the Presidency by Lyle W. Shannon. Cats frequently see more clearly local, regional and national issues than do politicians. This is a classic case with Bill Clinton's feline friend Socks, writing to University of Iowa professor emeritus Lyle W. Shannon's cunning campanion, Cretin, an older cat who reads newspapers, listened to learned discussion and carried on a ponderous correspondence. The senior Shannon has carefully compiled the thoughts of the two cats. It's spirited, insightful, and fun reading.  Buy the Book Today!
The Defense Is Ready : Life in the Trenches of Criminal Law                 by Leslie Abramson and Richard Flaste.   From The New York Times Book Review, by Judith Newman:  Leslie Abramson never met a felon she didn't like. . . . As one client put it, "Leslie was so good. For a while there she even had me believing I didn't do it." Buy the Book Today!
Children's Letters to Socks : Kids Write to America's 'First Cat' by Bill Adler (Editor)  Bill Adler, the premier anthologist of what children write and say has reached into the White House mail bag. Now, readers can share the humorous, unpredictable, often poignant letters sent by kids from all fifty states to the First Cat, Socks. Illustrations drawn by real children.    Buy the Book Today! First Cat, Second Term : Socks Pussyfoots His Way Back into the White House by Elizabeth Nickles, Tamara Asseyev (Contributor), Ilys Segal (Illustrator), Liz Nickles, Ilyse Segal (Illustrator) Fictional account of Socks from the perspective of the second four years.  Buy the Book Today!

Socks the Cat Who Moved to Washington by J. Grubbs and Joan Abell A fun account of SOCKS' journey to the White House. Buy the Book Today!

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by Jana
Wag the Cat
by Marloes de Haan, 13, from Holland

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    SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB has created a web page to list EVERY cat-related web site in the world.
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