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The Origins of Totally Tara:
     One night, while watching 'Grave' for the thirty-billioneth time and with several pounds of sugar in our systems, RavenWolf and I (Kelsey), decided that Tara was overlooked and underused, and especially now that she's
dead, she needed a page of her own. We know there are others out there, but us being egotistical maniacs, decided that we needed to add to the collection, to make it better.
     This page is under a lot of construction, especially right now (RavenWolf says AKA there's nothing here yet), but we're working on that. Keep coming back, we'll update every time we have a chance to. My track record isn't that great, but between the two of us, we'll get it done.
     So, chin up Tara fans, there's another tiny little page on the Internet, dedicated to our favorite character. We miss you, Tara McClay!
Email us:
This page was last updated on: June 25, 2004
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the associated characters, including Tara, are not ours. They belong to Mutant Enemy, the WB, UPN and Paramount, and whoever the hell else. Most pictures were taken without permission from galleries which did not specify, or specified they did not care- if your photos are up here and you don't want them to be, let us know, and we'll take them down.