Sam Harker & Rod Skase

Ahh Sam and Rod. For those who don't know, Rod Skase and Sam Harker are 2 charecters on The Bill. PC Sam Harker is played by Matthew Crompton and DC Rod Skase is played by Iain Fletcher. Frankly, I think both of these charecters are gorgeous, in their own ways. So I've decieded to construct pages on both of them. So click the links and off we go!.......

all about me
my cousin ariana
my diary

quote of the moment
the olivers
food of the fornight
the bill
prince harry
sam harker
& rod skase


PC Sam Harker

DC Rod Skase

Also, a billion *hugs* to MikeB who lent me the pics for these pages on Rod and Sam, as well as the picture for this background. Not only did he lend me them, has was happy to do so! If I wasn't only 15 and living on different sides of the world I'd ask him out for a date!! *LOL* MikeB has a wicked site on The Bill and I strongly recommend you check it out!

If you want to see Mike's site, click here!

Disclaimer: Rod Skase and Sam Harker are two charecters made by Person television. When they're not filming they're shut away in cupboards. I don't own them, I didn't make them up cos they don't even exist. Oh, great. now that's really made me depressed!