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The Living Wood: Art Gallery

I've spent the past few years at a School of the Arts, and these are some of the works that I've produced. Unfortunately as my access to a scanner is severely limited right now, my newest works won't make it here unless a miracle happens... ^_^;; But there are still plenty of pictures to look at.

Click on the thumbnails here to see the full picture. All these pictures are copyright by me, Katherine Jones, and shouldn't be snatched away and used for nefarious purposes... at least, not without asking me first.

A blue rose: a shaded drawing using pencil-crayons.

A dragon, coloured with pencil-crayons.

The balloon-flower: a contour drawing done with pencil-crayon.

A brush and pencils: the original line drawing, plus four variations using different methods; cross-hatching, pencil shading, pointillism, and ink wash.

A pencil-shaded drawing of Death.

These two characters, Kyuuka and Asagao, were created for a multi-author fanfiction project known as "Fushigi Soudan."

A devilish grin.

A shaded pencil drawing of an elf.

A watercolour painting, depicting a close-up of a rose.

A ruthless invader comes to the planet of the egg-people.

A pencil-shaded drawing of who-knows-what. Inspired by Haida art.

A pencil-shaded drawing of my mother's namesake.

Costume ideas for Titania, Cobweb, and Puck from "A Midsummer Night's Dream."

More versions of Puck from "A Midsummer Night's Dream." The one on the left was inspired by a drawing of an anime character, Gourry Gabriev from "Slayers." The other one came from my imagination.

A pencil-shaded drawing of a plastic statue of a frog.

A picture of an elf. Done with pencil crayons, and retouched by computer. (The colours look better when not on the Web.)

Sun, moon, star, and sunbeams. A woodblock print.

A pencil drawing of an afghan hound.

An anime-style drawing of a child.

The Living Wood

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