Louise Nurding

This sublime POP! songstress, ex of Eternal, who were only good while she was involved. has now a burgeoning solo career. Her first big solo hit was 'Naked' featuring that video. she has a new album and tour this autumn. The single "Arms Around The World" was released on the 22nd September. I've now seen the video, and it inspired a round of cold showers unseen since the HAL feat' Gillian Anderson, "Extemis" video. The new album was released on the 6th October entitled "Woman In Me." Then through November and December she tours and a second single from the new album is released.

Bow mere mortals cower in the glow of her beauty


Louise has been voted both woman of the decade, and sexiest woman of the year by the clearly intellegent readers of Sky magaazine, she also starred as their cover girl for two issues. In my room due to the very kind people at louise's record company I have a poster on my wall which is 6ft by 4ft, sends me off to sleep every night with pleasent dreams ;-)


Louise's Releases to date:

  • Light of My Life - Single
  • In Walked Love - Single
  • Naked - Single
  • Undivided Love - Single
  • One Kiss from Heaven - Single
  • Arms Around the World - Single

  • Naked - Album
  • Woman In Me - Album


Front Cover of 10th Anniversary Sky Magazine

Cool Louise pics which are little, just to stop this page taking several millenia to load.

Click the Image for a BIG pic

All these are taken from her FHM shoot

oh, and, lads, stop doing that at the back I can see you, dirty boys.

Where ever that place is with those chairs, I so badly NEED to go

That chair is surely having the best time of its inanimate life

Words do not do this picture justice, phwooar, eh lads?

Latest new's from the Louise's record company EMI and 1st Avenue records, is the new album 'Woman In Me' was released on the Sixth of October and the tracklisting is..

2 new Louise pictures.

purple really suits her ;-)





Both taken from the September issue of the legendry FHM magazine.

hubba hubba

That is the "dangerously anarchic, seductively salacious" Louise as sort of qouted by Nicky Campbell this qoute has been used out of context ;-)

Ice cold water sir? coming right up!


As Homer say's Woohoo! as the wolf in those Droopy cartoons does, eyes on stalks heart pumping tongue having to rolled up and carried home in a bag. Isn't she just one of the most gorgeous women you have ever seen? Well come back to this very page in a week or so's time for more pictures up on this page, and the latest information when Louise's record company send it to me.

If you notice innacuracies, want more information, want to make a comment, submit a picture or link...

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