William Thornton Spicer, Sr.
No Known Photograph Exists
William Thornton Spicer, Sr.



William Thornton Spicer Sr.

Born: c 1799, in Virginia

Died: c 1875 in Culpeper

Married: Elizabeth Spicer (First Cousin)

Most records of William Thornton Spicer Sr. place him in Fauquier County, Culpeper County, Salem District, and Rappahannock County, Virginia.

Strong resource data and analysis from several serious and professional genealogists suggests that William Thornton Spicer Sr., was the son of Joseph Spicer but this is not yet proven with "primary" evidence.

Family records say that he married his first cousin, Elizabeth Spicer, daughter of William Spicer Jr., who was son of William Spicer Sr., who was son of Randolph Spicer. Since Joseph Spicer was also the son of William Spicer Sr., this would make the first-cousin scenario correct.

In addition, one of William Thornton Spicer's Children is named "Joseph Stewart." If William Thornton Spicer Sr. was the son of Joseph Spicer, he would have a first cousin named "Stewart."

As a matter of note, the Elizabeth Spicer line is proven.

Also, on William Thornton Spicer's son's death certificate, (Powhatan Spicer) is a notation that it was believed that his mother was a "Browning." Since we know she was a Spicer, this information, although incorrect, suggests that the person giving the information was thinking of "Lavina Browning," William Thornton Spicer's grandmother.

Children of

William Thornton Spicer, Sr. and Elizabeth  Spicer


William Thornton Spicer, Jr., 13 Jul 1838

Richard Montgomery Spicer, c 1831

Martha Ann Spicer, c 1833

Mary E. Spicer, c 1835

*Joseph Stewart Spicer, 18 Mar 1836 

Phil Silas Spicer, c 1840

Sarah Elizabeth Spicer, March 1842

Woodson Jasper Spicer, c 1844

Powhatan Tecumpse Spicer, 8 May 1846


Joseph Stewart Spicer, son of Wm. Thornton & Elizabeth Spicer

Sarah Elizabeth Spicer, Daughter of Wm. Thornton & Elizabeth Spicer


Richard Montgomery Spicer, son of Wm. Thornton & Elizabeth Spicer

Tombstones of Richard Montgomery Spicer and 2nd wife (Caroline) Carrie Spicer (Walker's Methodist Church cemetery, Orange County, VA



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