Fortune Cookie Fortunes

Some people say their fortunes are ether random gibberish of divination of faith. Well I've seen too much in my live to wholly write them off.

“You are the mast of every situation.”

“You have a friendly heart and are well admired.”

“You are the center of every group attention.”

“You are soon going to change your present line of work.”

“You will be Fortunate in everything you put your hands to.”

“You will be unusually successful in business.”

“Things are turning for the bright side.”

“You have a keen sense of humor and love a good time.”

“Keep on charging the enemy so long as there is life.”

“You have a potential urge and the ability for accomplishment.”

“Luck is coming your way.”

“Happiness begins with facing life with a smile and a wink.”

“You will enjoy good health.”

“You will be surrounded by luxury.”

“You have had a good start. Work harder.”

“Guard yourself against evil temtations.”

“Stop searching forever. Happiness is just next to you.”

These next three are really interesting, the happened in this order right when I went looking for an old friend and found her.

“A pleasant surprise is in store for you.”

“Friends long absent are coming back to you.”

“Someone from your past has returned to steal your heart.”
