You know how sometimes you're talking on the phone and start doodling
as you talk? Well that's Jake, no I wasn't on the phone but he certainly
isn't the kind of thought-out cartoon, he is well...simple.

It's basically a stick-figure with cowboy features. The cowboy hat, the
boots, the guns (yes they are guns...), even the little spurrs on the boots!
When I was younger, I would draw whole stories about Jake and give
them to my mom, needless to say as time wen by the stories grew more
well, twisted.

I didn't think he should have a name but despite my decision I started
referring to my cowboy as Jake...hmm...don't ask why because frankly I
have no idea. He always looks kind of bored but I suppose he lives in
cow country and it's probably well, boring there. I don't know what
that thing sticking out of his mouth is, wheat? You know the farmers
on TV always have stuff in their mouthes, well it's that except a cowboy
isn't a farmer...hmm... Don't they raise cows or something? Why else would they be called cowboys?

Here's a strip:

I'll be adding more soon =)