Little Recognized Great Minds

Not every visionary has received the recognition they were due.  Some of the greatest and most innovative minds of this century have been ignored or vilified by the established order of science.  These "heretics" have given us amazing views of mankind, science, and faith that expand our consciousness and force us to look at the world around us through new eyes.  Follow the links below to get a new vision of humanity and the world in which we live.

Immanuel Velikovsky

Immanuel Velikovsky (1895-1979)

One of the most brilliant minds of our time, he predicted what would be found on the surface of Venus and was ridiculed by Carl Sagan...until proven right.

Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)

The main competitor of Thomas Edison, Tesla was the inventor of radio, AC electrics, and a myriad other devices.  History has generally forgotten his role.
Zechariah Sitchin

Zechariah Sitchin (1920/1- )

A lateral thinker of the first order.  His conceptualizations of what constitutes origins of legends has put scientific observation on its ear.

Antonio Meucci

Antonio Meucci (1808-1896)

The true inventor of the telephone whose role in its discovery was finally admitted by a special resolution of the United States Congress in 2001, 105 years after his death.