This is a page of stuff that has been said that is slightly
sigfiagant in some way, or is just plain dash. Have any to add?
Be my guest.

"Mabey if we are surruonded in beauty, then mabey we will become what
we see."
Jewel, "I'm Sestive"

"Suppose you are an idiot, and suppose you are a member of Congress,
but I repeat myself."
Mark Twain

"What ever can't kill you will only make you stronger."
I don't rember who said this (lots of people have), but it means alot
to me

"I did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky!"
Bill Clinton

"Always do sober what you said drunk. That will teach you to keep your
mouth shut."
Ernest Hemingway

"Just because your paraniod, doesn't mean their not out to get you."
Abbie Hoffman

"All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence--and then
sucess is for sure."
Mark Twain

"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not
bite you. That is the princple diffrence between a dog and a man."
Mark Twain

"People always ask me how I live in the shadow of my mother. Well
frankly, I like the shade."
Todd Fisher, on his mother Debbie Renolds

"We have little time to please the living, but all eternity to love the
Antigone, from the play Antigone, by Sophocles

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