Stephenville, Texas


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By-Laws of

Rocky Point Mission Church DBA Solid Rock Baptist Church

Stephenville, Texas





The elders shall be the officers of the organization and will function as the trustees.  The elders shall elect from among their own number a Chairman and Secretary.





The elders shall hold the certificate of titles to all church property.  They have the right to buy, sell, or dispose of property belonging to the church in any way that best serves the interest of the church.  The elders shall, upon direction of the church execute all deeds, deeds of trust, mortgages, bonds, promissory note, releases, and all other necessary legal paper in the name of the church and only by its authority.  The elders are custodians of the property.  All documents and instruments, when so directed by the church, shall be signed by the chairman and attested by the secretary and the seal of the organization.





It shall be the duty of the secretary of elders to keep in a book a copy of all written pecuniary obligations of this organization and keep a correct record of the proceedings of the elders.





The elders shall hold an organizational meeting one week prior to regular scheduled business meetings and any such other meetings as may be deemed necessary by the Chairman of the Elders.  A majority of the elders shall constitute a quorum for business.





Vacancies in the office of elder shall be filled by election of the church as they occur as specified in Article III, Section 1.1.C of the Constitution.





These By-Laws may be amended by the method outlined in the Constitution of this organization.





Amendments to By-Laws

(Represented by categories as Presented in Roman Numerals)


I.                    The Church Objectives and Functions

a.       To worship the LORD God

b.      To proclaim His Holy Word

c.       To educate and equip His people

d.      To minister to man’s total needs

e.       To be a witness in a world of darkness


II.                 Responsibilities of the Pastor

a.       To preach the Word of God

b.      To Minister to persons at a time of special need

c.       To serve as the chief elder and chief administrator of the congregation

d.      To be responsible for the work of the Church staff

e.       To be the under-shepherd of Christ’s flock

f.        Lead the Church to engage in a fellowship of:

                                                                           i.      Worship

                                                                         ii.      Witness

                                                                        iii.      Education

                                                                       iv.      Ministry

                                                                         v.      Application

g.       Lead the church in performing its objectives

h.       Ex-officio member of all committees

i.         Administer the ordinances of Baptism and The LORD’s Supper


III.               Responsibilities of the Music Minister/Worship Leader

a.       Direct the planning, conducting and evaluating of a comprehensive music program

b.      Assist the Pastor in planning all worship services

c.       Assist members in planning music for weddings, funerals and any other church related activities

d.      Promote and encourage evangelism, visitation and outreach

e.       Assist the Pastor in visitation

f.        To serve as Chairman of any music related committee

g.       To serve in any area of ministry that is needed


IV.              Responsibilities of Associate Pastors/Youth Pastor/Education Minister

a.       To assist the pastor in any way so that the church’s objectives will be met in area specific categories

b.      To promote and encourage their area of specialization in elements of:

                                                                           i.      Discipleship

                                                                         ii.      Evangelism

                                                                        iii.      Visitation

                                                                       iv.      Outreach

c.       Assist the Pastor in visitation

d.      To serve as Chairman of any committee that is in their specialization

e.       To serve in any area of ministry that is needed


V.                 Responsibilities of Secretary

a.       Answer the phone and greeting of all visitors in a Christian manner

b.      Be responsible for the Pastor’s and Staff’s correspondence

c.       Edit the church Bulletin

d.      Edit the church Paper

e.       Be responsible for accurate record keeping of Sunday School and Church Training records and up to date

f.        Keeping of a complete telephone list of all members and contacts

g.       Ordering of office supplies

h.       Receive and check all incoming literature

i.         Handling and sorting of all inbound and outbound mail

j.        To assist the Pastor in any way that the church’s objectives can be met


VI.              Responsibilities of Treasurer

a.       Receiving, cataloging and tracking of bills and accounts

b.      Writing and compilation of monthly financial reports

c.       Writing of all checks

d.      To serve as Chairman of the Counting Committee

e.       To serve as Co-Chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee


VII.            Responsibilities of Custodian

a.       Keep buildings clean

b.      Vacuum areas as needed

c.       Clean restrooms on a regular basis

d.      Mow grass when needed.  Water yards as needed including flowers and shrubs

e.       Turn on air conditioning or heater on before and off after all services

f.        Open and close buildings before and after all services

g.       Check nursery and halls and straighten up auditorium on Sunday following the morning service


VIII.         Responsibilities of the Deacons

a.       Assisting the Pastor in doing his work

b.      Supporting the Pastor’s preaching ministry

c.       Assist the Pastor in the administration of the LORD’s Supper

d.      Provide opportunities for the personal ministries to all members of the congregation

e.       Welfare of all church members along with widows and orphans in the church’s geographic area

f.        Provide and interpret information regarding the work of the church and denomination

g.       Lead all church members to worship daily

h.       To serve in the areas of ministry that is needed


IX.              Responsibilities of the Sunday School Workers

a.       Reach all prospects of the church with regards to area of influence

b.      Teach the Biblical revelation

c.       Lead all Church members to witness daily

d.      Lead and participate in doctrinal and special training seminars

e.       Provide opportunities for the personal ministries to all members of the congregation

f.        To be responsible for the welfare of the church members

g.       Provide and interpret information regarding the work of the church and denomination

h.       Lead all church members to worship daily


X.                 Responsibilities of Church Training

a.       Interpret systematic Theology, Christian ethics, Christian history and church policy and organization

b.      Give orientation to new church members

c.       Train church members to perform the function of their church

d.      Discover, recruit and give general training to potential leaders of the church

e.       Provide organization and leadership for special projects of the church

f.        Provide and interpret information concerning the work and function of the church and denomination.


XI.              Responsibilities of the Women’s Organization

a.       Fulfill the role specified in Titus Chapter 2

b.      Teach missions

c.       Pray for missions

d.      Provide organization and leadership for special mission projects of the church

e.       Provide and interpret information regarding the work of the church and denomination especially in the areas of GA’s and WMU


XII.            Responsibilities of the Men’s Organization

a.       Fulfill the role of Titus chapter 2

b.      Teach missions

c.       Pray for missions

d.      Provide organization and leadership for special mission projects of the church

e.       Provide and interpret information regarding the work of the church and denomination especially in the areas of RA’s and Brotherhood  



XIII.         Responsibilities of the Committees

The pastor is an ex-officio member of each committee and should be contacted before each meeting is set.  All committees requiring expenditure of money should be aware of amounts allocated to their work from the annual budget.  Requests for non-budget items should be made to the elder board and/or finance committee.  It is recommended the minutes be kept of each official meeting of each committee so that reports can be brought to the church regularly and periodically.


A church has many responsibilities.  It is impossible for any one man or group to discharge all the responsibilities.  Committees are elected by the church to fulfill these varied responsibilities.  Any church committee is important.  If a committee fails its responsibility, the work of Jesus Christ through His Church is hindered.


The purpose of this information is to better inform the church and the committee members of the minimal duties of the various committees and should help some who participate to find their unique ministry in the church.  People do better when they know how and what is expected of them.


It is to be remembered that each one of these committees is a church elected committee and is responsible directly to the church.  Any kind of committee is responsible to the organization or body that authorized and elects it.  The reports of some of these committees may also be made to the elders and/or deacons when they are reporting information that corresponds to such.  All committees will be responsible to turn in their reports to the Pastor of all meetings. 


Each year one third of the members – not including those who are on the committee by virtue of their office – will rotate off and must remain off the committee for a period of at least one year.  Each year the church will elect for three years as many members for each committee as have rotated off that year.  For example, a committee with six members will rotate off two members per year to be replaced be two freshman members in the same year.  This rotation stipulation, being found impractical due to low membership may be set aside until such time as this preferred system can be followed.  In such an event the rotation cannot be performed, the offices of each committee shall be rotated instead on a yearly basis.  For example, no committee member can serve as Chairman two consecutive years.


No person shall serve as chairman of more than one church committee at the same time.  No person shall serve on more than three committees at the same time with the preference of this document being only one at a time.  No person will serve as chairman of the same committee for more than one consecutive year unless specified by the virtue or dictum of his/her office.  These committee stipulations, being found impractical due to low membership may be set aside until such time as this preferred system can be followed.


a.       Responsibilities and Actions of the Nominating Committee

1)      Only church members of this church may be elected to any church office.

2)      The committee shall appoint for themselves a Chairman and Secretary

3)      They shall be the responsibility of this committee to make nominations for all employees (unless delegated out to a specific committee for example the youth committee or nursery committee and then these same guidelines here govern those committees), Church Council, and special committee members.

4)      They shall make and hold a file of talents of all the members of the church

5)      They shall be responsible for the contacting of each new member and surveying them for interests. 

6)      They are to be on the alert at all times to find prospective workers so that any vacancies during the year can be filled immediately

7)      They shall encourage every member to be a worker in some of the organizations of the church

8)      All nominations to changes in committee office shall be presented no later than the September business meeting.

9)      At the time of nominations are presented, nominations from floor are in order

10)  This committee shall meet monthly during the months of July, August, September and February, but will be subject to call thereafter

11)  These committee stipulations, being found impractical due to low membership (less than 150 participating members) may be set aside until such time as this preferred system can be followed.



b.      Responsibilities and Actions of the Usher Committee

1)      The committee shall appoint for themselves a Chairman, Assistant Chairman and at least 4 ushers and as many more ushers is needed

2)      Secure participation of an adequate number of ushers for all regular services.

3)      Meet people at the entrances and see that they are properly seated and in possession of pertinent information

4)      Help keep the building properly ventilated and at a comfortable temperature

5)      To serve as ushers at all occasions held in the auditorium such as funerals, associational meetings and etc.

6)      Utilized new members and young men so as to always have a new group of ushers to replace those who may drop out

7)      The chairman of this committee shall keep a full corp of ushers at all times who are trained to the responsibilities of their duties including the investigation and action of best judgment concerning anything unusual or disturbing during the service

8)      Each usher will be responsible for attending the usher clinic yearly

9)      The committee shall meet quarterly

10)  These committee stipulations, being found impractical due to low membership (less than 150 participating members) may be set aside until such time as this preferred system can be followed.



c.       Responsibilities and Actions of the Teller Committee

1)      This committee shall not have any less than two members without exception one of which will be the Chairman

2)      They shall open the envelopes

3)      They shall count and log the money in the presence of each other

4)      They shall meet weekly

5)      The Chairman will make the daily deposit.  He shall keep the offering envelopes and turn these into the stewardship recording secretary weekly

6)      The committee will correct envelopes if the amount of the money given does not correspond to the amount shown on the front

7)      The committee will fill out an envelope for any check that is devoid of such for proper recording by the stewardship recording secretary

8)      This committee can secure help if necessary as it deems appropriate

9)      These committee stipulations, being found impractical due to low membership (less than 150 participating members) may be set aside until such time as this preferred system can be followed.


d.      Responsibilities and Actions of the Budget and Finance Committee

1)      The committee shall be Co-Chaired by a member appointed by the committee and the Church Treasurer

2)      The committee shall appoint for themselves a Secretary

3)      The committee shall determine the church budget for the succeeding year and submit said budget for approval by the church no latter than the December Business Meeting

4)      They shall promote and develop the financial campaigns for the budget throughout the year and assume the responsibility of leading in these campaigns

5)      All items that are not included in the unified budget must be approved by this committee

6)      They shall keep a close watch on the expenditures and overall financial condition of the church

7)      They shall recommend budget adjustments such as in the case of lower than expected income

8)      They shall meet on a called basis but meet no less than annually in the year

9)      These committee stipulations, being found impractical due to low membership (less than 150 participating members) may be set aside until such time as this preferred system can be followed.


e.       Responsibilities and Actions of the Building and Grounds Committee

1)      The committee shall appoint for themselves a Chairman and Secretary

2)      They shall make regular inspections of the buildings, grounds and equipment

3)      They shall plan to improve the general appearance of the buildings and grounds and locate any need for repairs and make recommendations to the church through the Finance Committee, Deacons or both.

4)      They shall be responsible for the work of the janitors

5)      They shall see to the utilities and keep them in a proper, safe and working condition

6)      The chairman shall make reports monthly to the church including condition of buildings and grounds and any appropriate direction required in the near future

7)      In case of any damage done to any of the church buildings, grounds and/or utilities the committee is authorized to act for the best will of the church in meeting these emergencies. 

8)      Matter not of an emergency nature will be recommended to the church 

9)      This committee shall meet subject to call

10)  These committee stipulations, being found impractical due to low membership (less than 150 participating members) may be set aside until such time as this preferred system can be followed.


f.        Responsibilities and Actions of the Food and Fellowship Committee

1)      The committee shall appoint for themselves a Chairman and Secretary

2)      They shall endeavor to keep the entire membership of our church in good fellowship

3)      They shall plan annual church social gatherings for the entire membership of the church as they seem fit

4)      They shall direct the social life of the church

5)      They shall tie every fellowship to the function and work of the church chiefly of expressing the Lordship of Jesus Christ

6)      This committee shall meet no less than quarterly

7)      These committee stipulations, being found impractical due to low membership (less than 150 participating members) may be set aside until such time as this preferred system can be followed.



g.       Responsibilities and Actions of the Flowers Committee

1)      The committee shall appoint for themselves a Chairman

2)      They shall secure flowers for important occasions for the church

3)      They shall send flowers to the members of the church during the loss of a loved one corresponding to a relationship of parent, child, brother or sister

4)      This committee shall meet quarterly

5)      These committee stipulations, being found impractical due to low membership (less than 150 participating members) may be set aside until such time as this preferred system can be followed.



h.       Responsibilities and Actions of the Lord’s Supper Committee

1)      The committee shall appoint for themselves a Chairman

2)      This committee shall assist the Pastor in administration of the New Testament ordinance of the Lord’s Supper on no less than every 5th Sunday

3)      They shall supervise the preparation of elements and make sure of their proper placement

4)      They shall be responsible for maintaining and cleaning all the equipment items used in administration of the ordinance

5)      These committee stipulations, being found impractical due to low membership (less than 150 participating members) may be set aside until such time as this preferred system can be followed.



i.         Responsibilities and Actions of the Baptismal Committee

1)      The committee shall appoint for themselves a Chairman and comprised of an equal number of males and females taken from the Deacon body.

2)      They shall assist the Pastor in administration of the New Testament ordinance of Believers Baptism

3)      This committee shall also assist the candidate and see that the proper attire is available for their use

4)      They shall be responsible for maintaining and cleaning all the equipment items used in administration of the ordinance

5)      These committee stipulations, being found impractical due to low membership (less than 150 participating members) may be set aside until such time as this preferred system can be followed.



… Commit your works to the LORD and your plans will be established. – Proverbs 16:3



Proud Member of the Southern Baptist and the Southern Baptist of Texas Convention

