colorpie pic

As you know, colors can make things look alot better. Just remember to keep it within the 256 standard colors. Custom colors might look neat on your screen. But not on everyones. Everything I have read say to use 256 setting on you screen while making and viewing pages.

Main Page Colors

Setting up your main colors for your page requires just typing in 6 diget numbers, in the right place, with the right code in front of them, sound hard? It's not.

Here is a list of the codes to set the defaults for your page:

This should be part of the tag at the start of the page. The page settings for this page would read:< body bgcolor="000000"" link="0000EE" text="ff00ff" vlink="551a8b" >

Sometimes it helps to change colors for a section. Than you would use "< font color=------ >". When you are ready to change back use < /font color >.

Hex color codes

I use two sources for getting my hex codes. and here they are.

hex code chart, don't you wish you could see it???All you have to do is write down the 6 diget code in the "" marks.

Sometimes I like to use this Hidaho colorcenter

So I hope that this helps. Just try different combinations until you get one you like, and than ask around. Ask your friends how it looks on their broswer. Hope that this helps



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