Native American I
Sterling Bar
(Welcome - in Cherokee)
Sterling Bar

These Native American pages contain enchanting artwork, writings, legends and music
plus numerous links to other interesting Native American websites.  Enjoy!!   Wado!


Wolves, like the Indian,
Choose their mates wisely,
And do not part til death;
Making the two spiritually entwined.

Blue Bar

~In Love~
In Love

Indian Love Poem

How then, can I tell you of my love?
Strong as the eagle, soft as the dove.
Patient as the pine tree that stands in
the sun and whispers to the wind...
"You are the one!"

Blue Bar

~Brother of the Woods~
Brother of the Woods


A powerful, swift and cunning brother of the woods.
The wolf is said to have a special relationship with his
two-legged brothers and sisters. Stories abound about
young two-leggeds being raised in the forests by wolves.
Wolves are said to possess many human qualities
such as Love, Loyalty and Friendship.

Blue Bar

~Spirit Wolf~
Spirit Wolf
Spirit Wolf by Maija

Come, walk with me among the tall grass.
Feel the gentle winds as they brush against your skin.
Feel the warmth of the sun upon your face.
Feel the softness of the summer rain as it embraces you.
Smell the wild flowers growing in the meadow.
Hear the birds as they sing their song.
For I am all these things and more.
The winds are my fingers touching.
The sun is the warmth of my kiss.
The summer rain is my caress.
The wild flowers, the scent of my hair.
And the song of the birds,
The sweet sound of my voice as I say,
"Come, walk with me among the tall grass
and feel my spirit..."

Blue Bar

~My Beloved~
My Beloved
The Comforter by L. Bogle

Beloved partner, keeper of my heart's odd secrets,
clothed in summer blossoms so the icy hand of winter
never touches us, I thank your patience.
Our journey is like a tree to earth,
a cloud to sky, even more.
We are the reason the world can laugh
on its battlefields, and rise from
the ashes of its selfishness to hear me say,
In this time, this place, this way,
I loved you best of all.
~Nancy Wood

Blue Bar

~In Dreams~
In Dreams
Stirring Thoughts by L. Bogle

Dreamwalker comes softly, bringing visions of delight,
where in dreams he visited my slumber last night.
My heart is in your pocket, so tenderly refrain
from pressing on it, lest it should break before we meet again.
Dreamwalker come hold me against your breast tonight,
so I may know the ecstasy of two hearts burning bright.
And you will know my spirit has visited you once more,
with devotion as resounding as waves crashing to the shore.
~Jamie Sams from 'Earth Medicine'

Blue Bar

Wolf Blessing

Wolf Blessing

May Wolf ever walk beside you
and grant you rest in his shadow.
May his paws ever guide your paths
and your howls be heard by all.

Blue Bar

~Distant Eyes~
Distant Eyes
Distant Eyes by Maija

If a man does not keep pace with his companions,
perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music he hears,
however measured or far away.

Blue Bar

~Let Your Child~
Let Your Child
Artwork by T. Sodd

The Little Bear

I saw a little bear, not more than three feet high,
Jumping with such energy, she almost touched the sky.
I saw a little bear, not more than three foot tall,
Jumping up for berries, she couldn't wait for them to fall.
I asked if I could help. She said no, she was having fun.
She told me to come join her, there was too much for one.
Together, side by side, we jumped throughout the day.
The higher we jumped, the harder we laughed,
And the more we wanted to stay.
Then with sunlight fading, she said she had to leave.
She smiled at me brightly and told me not to grieve.
As she ran away laughing, I could hear her say,
"Always remember, don't ever forget...
Let your child out to play!"

Blue Bar

~Truth and Knowledge~
Truth and Knowledge

The early Native Americans had a profound respect
for the wolf. They called him Brother.
The mournful cry of the wolf is the sound that
links this world with the one beyond.
Wolf is the pathfinder, the forerunner of new ideas.
Wolves travel great distances in search of Truth and
Knowledge and are thought to return to the clan
to teach and share their medicine.
Wolf takes one mate for life and is loyal.
If you were to keep company with wolves, you would
find an enormous sense of family within the pack,
as well as a strong individualistic urge.
~North American Wolf Association

Sterling Bar
Note: (The titles placed above each image were chosen to link the artwork with the respective
    writings; therefore, the titles are not necessarily the actual title of the artwork. If the actual
      title is known, it has been placed directly beneath each image along with the artist's name.)
Sterling Bar

Thank you Enchantress for sharing your graphic creations!

Fantasyland Graphics Logo

Sterling Bar

Artwork & Writings
Artwork & Writings
Facts, Legends & Links

KlazyFox Web Designs       ©1998-09
Paw Prints

We will be known by the tracks we leave behind.
~Dakota proverb

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