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Avalanche Bar

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After decades of naked beer slides, cheap liquor and philosophic bar stool debate, the legendary Avalanche Bar on the Marquette University campus had its last call on April 24, 1997.

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Avalanche bar photos
Ode To The Avalanche Bar
A lovely poem about the beloved 'Lanche, sent to me by Linda in Philadelphia.
Avalanche Bar Photos
A few photos from the Avalanche Bar.
Avalanche Links!
A few articles about the 'Lanche from the world wide web.
Guide Mischlön 1995 / Milwaukee
Here's an Avalanche Bar review from an Austrian viewpoint!  Here's a translation by Leibold (thanks, my German friend!)
News Articles
All tapped out: 'Lanche closes
May 1 1997 - Marquette Tribune
"The 'Lanche is truly a Marquette tradition."
Marquette says Avalanche tavern is shut for good
May 2 1997 - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
"This is a saloon, not a cocktail lounge. So don't expect fruit in your Manhattan. Don't even expect a Manhattan. Don't even expect."
Former home of the `Lanche, campus properties await fate
August 28 1997 - Marquette Tribune
The Avalanche closed because of problems with rowdy patrons and vandalism...
Altenburg suggests auction
September 4 1997 - Marquette Tribune
"As an alum, I was devastated like everybody else when (the `Lanche) closed," Altenburg said.
Forum answers lead to more questions
September 11 1997 - Marquette Tribune
"Oh yes, the `Lanche," [University President] Wild said. "I prepared for that. I mean, everyone was totally surprised, especially alumni."
MU response to `Lanche inquiry leaves senator `flabbergasted'
February 3 1998 - Marquette Tribune
"I want to know what they're (the university administration) doing with the building. It's a historical site and it would benefit the university if something was done with it."
MUSG fails First Amendment test
February 12 1998 - Marquette Tribune
Last November, MUSG senators approved Recommendation No. 8, a bill drafted to elicit a response from the administration about an update on the former Avalanche Bar... Legislative Vice President Brad Lochowicz decided Feb. 2 to withhold the letter for fear that disclosure of the letter could "embarrass the administration."
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Updated March 12, 2000 says you are number to crash the party!


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