Single Guys "Rules of the Road"

This section of our page was written for us by a Single Male who has been in the lifestyle for quite some time. He has come up with some "rules" that he says make is alot easier for a single guy to survive in the swinging world. He wrote it in the form of a letter to all of you that I am putting up in its exact entirety so you can get the gist of what he is saying.

                                                        Single and Swinging

  I was asked to write this letter for all the single guy's out there who want get into the
swing of things.

  The most important thing for a single guy to remember is that we are the minority .
Most of the people I know are couples.
 Someone once told me that the Swingers lifestyle was mainly for couples and he was right.
However  A Single guy does have a place in the Swingers community.
Lots of couple from time to time will ask a single guy to join them. Thats where we fit in.
But you can bet your last dollar they're probably not going to ask a stranger in to bet. They know plenty of nice single guy's that they would rather have fun with .

  In my opinion there are two types of guys. Guy's who enjoy meeting new people with the same sexual intrests and guys who just want to get laid.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to get laid but if thats all you want, swinging probably isn't for you. No couple I know is in the lifestyle just to get some guy off that hasn't had any for a while! I think you get the point.
  And for those of you who fit into the first catagory,  If your having trouble meeting new friends its probably because your not getting to know them first before you ask them to jump in bed with you ,  like I said your a stranger . I've talked to alot of couples,and most are not totally against the Idea of meeting a nice guy for a evening of fun. Try to make friends and you'll be suprised at how much fun you can have.
  I like to get to know somone before I meet them for Sex. It makes it all that much more comfortable and fun for everyone when you do finally meet. Trust me!  I've been with couples that I did'nt really get to know first and it's not as much fun. Everbody is uncomfortable, nobody know's exactly what to say or when to say it.
 Talk to them, tell them what you like and dislike. Ask them what they like to do, what turns them on. If everyone is into the same things and they like you for who you are, then the world will turn. Most people can see right through somone who is only out for him self.

  There are clubs you can goto, if you cant find anyone to play with and they are lots of fun .
But I can tell you, the most fun i've ever had did'nt come from a club.
To each his or her own.

  No matter where you go or who your with, just remember that Swinging isn't just about sex.
It's about friends having fun with friends. At least thats the way I see it.

ICQ 6430525

Tif and I would really like to say THANKS Ryan for taking the time to write this letter for us and allowing us to post it here where it may be of use to all the Singles out there.