Special Friends

This section of our page is dedicate to our most Special Friends in the swinging community.

Lisa is a another good friend from Undernet #swingers. As you can tell she loves her trusty 4x4 jeep.
She is always in a good mood, joking and laughing in the room, you can feel the "happyness" level go up everytime she comes in. I don't think I have EVER saw her in a bad mood.

Ann of AnnNJon
Ann is yet another good friend from the same old place...Undernet #swingers(doesnt seeing all these great people just make you wanna stop in??). Ann lives down in the great sunny state of Florida and always knows how to put a smile on my face.

Mike & Julie
Yep, you guessed it more friends from Undernet #swingers. Mike and Julie live in Elmira Ny, not too far from the Pa border. They are a really great couple whom Tif and I like alot. Julie is an Exotic Dancer (just like Tif) and we hope someday they can dance together..
