
My URL: http://zap.to/Annette

I got it for free at http://come.to

Last updated: October 15th.. Announcing the winner of the Spotting the Difference Contest!!!

Spotting The Difference Contest...
We have a winner!!! Congratulations to Benjamin of the Creatures 2 Players Egroup. He found ten out of twelve differences.
Don't worry, you can still try again next time!

Hi! I'm Annette Hoo from Malaysia.

I love webpage building. I finally know more about this html thing to make something better here. I moved in some time ago, but left the page alone until I found something to say. Now that I have a new interest, you can always find something new in here now and then.
Many Thanks also goes to Celeste BT for helping me out in my page and starting me off on the right foot.

I'm a bit better at building nowadays but sometimes it's hard organizing everything properly, and takes a lot of time. But visit anyway, its fun and you might like it!

Two Contests..

1) The 2000th (yup, you saw right, the 2000th) visitor will get a mystery prize.
*Note: Please save the counter image and send it to me to claim your prize if you're the 2000th visitor.
2) Once a month or twice a month (depending on my mood and time) I'll have some other new contest. The longest I'll take is two months to do one, so visit often to check. You'll have to wait and see...
The prizes are definitely worth it... and the fun too, of course! (^_^)

Here is the love meter... dare to try?

Visit my sub-pages at

Annette's Other Page

Here is a my Creatures Links Page.

Or visit my fave Creatures 2 game, downloads of NORNS or COBS or even PICS of norns.

See my MERNORNS downloads page

Or even better, read my C2 Stories.

To go to my C2 FAQ Page.

Or see my NEW! List of C2 Sites.

Ryann Lai's webpage.
He's a close friend of mine and he's more of an expert at this than I am. I think you'll enjoy his spicy pages.

Mail Annette.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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Thanks Ben, for the award!

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