Do you remember...

... our commencement song?
Only Good Times (The Three Friends Theme) by Keola & Kapono Beamer

... our senior class officers?

Aaron Bertram (treasurer), Jean Dinell (VP), Judy Chow (President) and Janice Akiyama (Secretary)
Does anyone know what happened to Aaron and Judy?

... who was voted most comical in our Hoss Elections?

Teri Matsuda & Eric Schrottke

... our senior prom theme?
Looking Through the Eyes of Love (The theme from "Ice Castles")

... our Senior Prom Queen and King?

Carrie Nakaoka & Vlad Devens

... our Valedictorian?
Aaron Bertram, pictured above.

... some of the seniors in this photo from the 4th Annual OIA Festival of Marching Bands?

In the drum line: Heather Iwamuro, Michael Uchida, John Araki (drum major) and Russell Iimura

... our football team?

... our Tenth Reunion?

It was held on August 18, 1990 at Tripler Officer's Club.

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