
Carolina Daisy's Place
with a Celtic flair

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Welcome! Thanks for coming to visit. My ancestors originated from the Celtic people of Ireland. I have become very interested in my roots and wondered just who were the Celtic people. This is a small account of what I have found. The History of the Celtic people. I have also collected a few symbols that are of importance to the Celts. I still do not know the meanings of all of these symbols yet but I hope to find out soon.

The Celtic Cross

There are several variations of the Celtic Cross and I have another one on the Celtic Blessings page.

Spiral of Life
More Spirals..

The Spiral of Life is drawn with one line without beginning or end symbolizing the never ending cycle of life.

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Please don't forget to sign my guestbook. *Ty*

If you have any suggestions,comments,information to add, know the meaning of any of the symbols that I have shown here, or you feel I have labeled one in error, Please feel free to e-mail me and I shall correct it as soon as I can.

If you have a graphic you would like to submit or you would like a link to this page let me know and I shall get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Nancy Monaghan an Irish-American educator and author has written a Celtic fiction series as a tribute to her heritage. These books have been extensively researched and are both historically and geographically accurate while providing suspenseful storylines that will appeal to mystery lovers of all ages. I recommend these book to anyone who enjoys a great story.
Click on the book to find out more...

Thankyou to

For some of the graphics you see on these pages.

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