Old Misawa Pictures

This aerial shot of Misawa Air Base appears to have been taken in the late 1950's. This picture is 85K. You can click on several areas of the photo for an enlarged picture of a section or building.

A much larger version, 473K, is here. This one takes a long time to load. (Thanks to Steve Rose and Karen Grumm '65.)

Here are some old pictures of Misawa. You can view a very large page (~600k) which has all the pictures, or select certain ones to view, as follows:

Misawa High School - 1959 This school housed grades 1-12 up until the opening of the new school in 1960. It is now part of the Sollars Elementary site.

Here's a shot of the base in 1949. This one and the next three are borrowed from the Misawa AB website, courtesy of TSgt Chesley W. Caddell, 35th FW Historian.

Here's the Dispensary, also in 1949.

Also from 1949, this is a unit forming up.

The rest of the pictures are from 1959 and 1960.

This is an RF-101 from the 45th Tac Recon Sqdn.

Here is a picture of the parade ground area, looking toward the Commissary, the School and Old Housing beneath the water towers. Some of the other buildings I don't remember. Large pic, BTW, 125K.

This view is of the gym, pool and bowling alley from the rear across the athletic fields.

This pic has been identified, at last. Justin Tweedy, class of '64, says -- Building on the right hand half of the picture is the Imperial Navy Torpedo assembly shops, used for Pearl Harbor attack and converted by USAF for CE Squadron shops. His father's office was upstairs in the tallest building. Flight line is on the other side of the buildings. There was also a building, not shown, which housed a salvaged WWII I-boat diesel submarine engine. This was used for back-up electrical generation and was still in operation as late as 1970.

This shot is taken across the parade ground also, showing Headquarters and the BOQ.

Snow removal was always a problem, as this view of the ramp illustrates.

The is a house, unit S-100-B in the Old Housing Area.

These four pictures, 1,... 2, ... 3, ...and 4 are shots of B-Battery after the blizzard of 1960.