Who Is Venus??? A Female Viking!!!*LOL*

Well, why don't you take a peek with my friend Killroy here....~S~

     Well, I turned 30 a few days agao....(Hmmmmmm have actually been a few months now....*LOL*)....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME....*grin*.
     I had been waiting for that day..... People told me different things about how it would feel..... Well to me it dosen't feel any different....
Still as hmmmmm crazy as allways....*LOL*
     As I actually turned 30....(exactly on the minute 30 years agao my mom pushed me out..... whish was 5:50am a Thursday morning...) I was standing infront of the mirror to see if there were any changes.....but nope... so it all was good....*S*
     I'm originally from Sweden and a city called Borås.
So how did a Viking end up in Los Angeles???
     Well I was suppose to go to Florida for a vaccation... but got on the wrong plane....
being a blonde and all that shouldn't be to hard to understand..... j/k..*lil grin*.
     I came to the states for a 6 months vaccation..... that was 9 years agao!!!! *LOL*
What can I say..... I love it here....and this is were I call home!!
     I do miss my family alot.... I have one sister Carina... best sis anybody can ever have.....
she has a little boy...my nephew..... the cutest lil thing there is....(remember this is my page so what I say goes... *LOL*) They.....(his mom and dad) are teaching him English...
He is doing great....He still talks about his visit out here and how he wanna come back and have pizza on Venice Beach *S*.....
There is also a my mom and dad.... great parents....couldn't ask for better.
They have always been there for me...(even when I came home drunk...*LOL*) .
     One of my biggest passion in life is growing things.....(some things are more fun that others.... specially when you see results right away *EG*)!!!
I have a little garden.....where I grow anything from flowers to pumpkins!!!
I also enjoy cooking... kickboxing... shopping......and like any viking.....drinking....LOL!!!!!
Well.... this is it for now!!!... Did I leave anything out????? Hmmmmmmm...*scratch head*....Oh yeah..... Love... well... if you know me... you know I don't kiss and tell.... *lil grin* but to you my "cooking partner" I Love You... *wink*

Here is a little something Snake711 wrote to me....

"A Lady Blonde Viking"
by Snake711*

For heres a real story,
I''ll tell it to you,
The words of this cowboy,
Forever are true.

Some time way back when,
I went to the sea,
To ponder and listen,
And wonder what be.

My horse and my saddle,
Did whisper to me,
"Our cowboy called Snake,"
"Lookie yonder and see."

My eyes they did wander,
Way out in afar,
I spied a small light,
It blinked like a star.

The waves they did tumble,
Like my heart in my dream,
Way out on the ocean,
For this it did seem.

For wonder I did,
What about this small star,
That sailed on the ocean,
Forever afar.

And lo and behold,
I spied with my eye,
A lady blonde vinking,
In a ship that did fly!

I trembled and quaked,
Threw down that moonshine,
The story I tell,
Will last for all time!

For up in the air,
This viking did sail,
My horse he did nicker,
Threw up his long tail.

This lady blonde viking,
Blew wind on her sail,
And flew down to me,
With a star in her pail.

And wouldn''t you know,
She whispered to me,
"I''m a lady blonde Viking,"
"Forever I''ll be."

So I said to her,
"Hey Viking you see,"
"I''m a cowboy called Snake,"
"For what does it be?"

She winked and she smiled,
She turned with a twist,
"Hey cowboy called Snake,"
"For what have you wished?"

I pondered and thought,
I winked with my eye,
To the lady blonde Viking,
"I cannot tell lie."

"I wish me a friend,"
"I hope for a star,"
"LIke the one that you carry,"
"From away and afar."

She reached in her pail,
Pulled a twinklin'' star,
And gave it to me,
Sailed off in afar.

Her ship it did pause,
Way up in the air,
This lady blonde Viking,
Looked down without dare.

She whispered to me,
"Forever we''ll be,"
"Two friends from afar,"
"Forever you''ll see."

With tears in my eyes,
I yelled to the sky,
"This star I will keep,"
"Till the day I do die!"

My eyes they did twinkle,
My spurs they did zingggggggg,
In a flash she was gone,
In a ship with some wings!

And wonder I did,
Where my friend she did go,
In her flyin'' small ship,
She''s a Viking you know!

Each night I do ponder,
I look at my star,
See a lady blond Viking,
Forever afar.

For now it is written,
This story is true,
''Bout a lady blond Viking,
Forever its true!

Thank you Snake...... *puss på munna* *blinkar*

The average woman would rather have beauty than brains because ......

The average man can see better than he can think.

Ladies Home Journal

Is this true?¿?

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Home sweet home....

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