Other Superslim Cigarettes

The most widely known competitor to Capri is Virginia Slims Superslims. Introduced in 1990-91, these new superslim cigarettes were designed with a "low-smoke" feature. Early advertisements declared that Virginia Slims Superslims produced 70% less smoke from the lit end than standard cigarettes, and 60% less smoke than Capri. This is accomplished by using a special paper which produces less smoke, but also makes the ash more difficult to tap off the end of the cigarette.

Virginia Slims Superslims are ultra lights, containing approximately the same levels of tar and nicotine as Capri Ultra Lights. It is widely known that the menthol version of Virginia Slims Superslims has a very cool taste. If you are a menthol smoker, you might like to try a pack.

Other superslim cigarettes found around the world are:

Vogue Superslims, primarily sold in Europe
Finesse Superslims, which are obviously a Capri twin, produced for foreign markets (Taiwan, other Asian countries)
Caprice Superslims, another Capri twin, also produced for foreign markets (Germany, Italy, other European countries)
Rothman's Superslims


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