Skelatal Support
As well as a lack of bones, sharks also lack what most bony fish have, a swim bladder. Sharks rely on lift generated by their large dorsal fins in the same way an aeroplane's wings provide lift, however this lift would not be enough to support the shark on its own with the size fins they have (unless moving faster), a lot of the sharks' lift comes from its liver. Sharks have huge livers, these contain oil which is lighter than water and therefore this makes sharks slightly negatively bouyant.
Contrary to popular belief, sharks don't have to swim constantly or they die, however they do have to swim to avoid sinking tot he bottom. This liver as opposed to a swim bladder means that sharks' bodies are incompressible allowing them to move between very deep water and the surface with ease. Those bony fish that live at high pressures usually die when brought to the surface, sharks don't.
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