Come On In

Hi Im AStro~
I started this page on 01/13/98, and I have alot of work to do yet.

Well Guyz this is My first page and I'm still learning.
I hope you will enjoy the work Ive done so far..
I do plan to do alot more with these pages in the future.
Time and energy allowing of course..
But lemme tell you a lil about who AStro~ is..

First Of all.. Im a 27 year old Full Blooded Gemini
who lives in a very small town In Southern Illinois,
With My Beautiful but somewhat Mischievious children *laughs*
I Have been roaming the net for almost 3 years now..
and Have gone through many many changes since I began here..
Most importantly I have met many wonderful friends and have gathered
quite a family through my adventures..
I have met 16 of these wonderful people In the Real World..
and have Traveled most of the USA in my expeditions..
Several People here have changed my life in some way or another..
and the bonds that we've created here go beyond the Cyber Limits
that most never dare to attain.. I want to take this Opportunity to
tell those of you who have meant so much to me and have
brought the warm feelings of friendship into my heart both online and off..
how much I truly care about you each and every one..
Some of you have been with me since the beginning..
and a few of you will still be with me in the end..
(you know who YOU are) I love you guyz very much..
and you've each touched my life in such wonderous ways..
I only hope I have in turn helped put a smile on your face from time to time..
and should you ever need a smile or a shoulder to lean on..
You all know where to find me *soft smile*

Anyways.. More about me.. Uhmm lets see..
Im a pagan Solitary Eclectic.. leaning towards the Celtic Tradition..
I am a nature lover and I enjoy hiking and quiet time tremendously..
I love to sit and watch the stars on a warm summers night..
and I see beauty In all of Mother earth's gifts..

I hope to be taking some computer courses soon..
and working on a degree in computer science..
I enjoy anything dealing with computers including but not limited to
installation, troubleshooting, web design, graphics, and repair..
I have many Dreams for my future..
and I hope to start realizing them soon. *smilz*

Ok Ok.. I think thats enough for now.. *nods*..
Most of you know me and what Im about..
but if not.. hell just ask.. Im an open book.. !! *smilz*..
Speaking Of Books..
Click the one below to see who I hang out with..
Of course there will be more as I get permission to post them
and aquiring some of the many pix I lost..
so If you'd Like to share your Pic.. please let me know..

Bright Blessings My friends..

Wanna "See" Who My Friends Are?
Click The Book Below!!

Please enjoy the pages here..
Ive had a wonderful time doing them. and have gained much in knowledge since starting..
so if you have any comments or wanna offer any
help or suggestions.. please contact me..

Please sign in and let me know you were here..
If you have any suggestions please write
and let me know.. Thanx!!
*smilz n hugz all around*

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Links to other sites on the Web

Links To My Friends Pages!!
My home away from home.. The Park Lounge
My 2nd home away from home, The poetry book..
Wanna read your Horoscope? this is where I read mine everyday..
Learn about my Scottish Heritage..
The Mod4win Home Page.. with tons of links to kool Mods..
Some Games To Keep you Busy.. check em out..

Thanx for stopping By.. again, if you have any
Comments and or Suggestions, please send all love/hate/threat Mail directly to me..*thbbft*

© 1998

This is my first award.. *proud smile*
Thank you to the wonderful people at the park..

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