Hi, my name is Pili

Welcome to my Homepage

Ole mi España!!!!!

My name is Maria del Pilar, I was born in Madrid, Spain, and I am now a resident of USA. I am an artist, I do painting and sculpture and I am also an instructor of Spanish dances. I love art in general, but what I love the most in this world are my two sons, my parents, and my family back in Spain. I am a big fan of my country that I love with all my heart. I do value sincere friendship very much, and perhaps for that reason is why I have so many friends all over the world. One of the reasons I am creating this page is so I can share with you some of the webs most frequently visit by me, I hope you will like them.

Mi Album de Fotografias (Picture album)

Mis Pinturas(algunas) My Paintings

Mis Esculturas (algunas) My Sculptures

Mis Poemas

Mis animaciones (tablao flamenco animado)

Ver fotos de mi España (pictures from Spain)

Mis amistades del cyberespacio (my cyber friends)

Fotos y links de mis mejores amigas (my best friends pics and links)

Los enlazes mas utilitarios y mejores del internet (best links to visit)

My significant other

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