Here's my Philosophy of Education
    Teaching Spanish is a challenge.  The Spanish-speaking population represents many different cultures. A major part of a language course is to present information about other cultures.  These cultures are not strange; they are just different.  Our lifestyle or culture in the United States is not better or worse than another culture.  There are different cultures that exist even within the United States.  Diversity is a privilege in this country.  We are all permitted to live as we see fit, within reason.  With this thought in mind, I will teach students about other cultures and hope that they will gain an appreciation of the differences that make this country so unique.  Futhermore, I will allow students to gain an appreciation for other lifestyles in order to prepare them to live in a diverse world.  The Spanish-speaking population is growing in the United States.  Everywhere you go there are Mexican restaurants or stores and signs and labels have both English and Spanish written on them.  This trend is going to increase, not decrease.  Students need to be aware of this interesting new culture that is expanding in our country.

     One advantage to teaching a language is that I get to expose students to new and exciting cultures.  It is a successful way of teaching students that all people have worth.  This is something I want my students to leave my classroom knowing.  All students have something to contribute to the classroom, just as all people have something to contribute to society.  We are all created a individuals with values and opinions.  Though we may not agree with other people's opinions, that does not devalue them.  We can learn so much more if we share our ideas with others than if we just focus on what we think.
Pictures from Mexico City
Academic Experience
Pictures from Mazatlan and Guadalajara
Vocabulary Page