Special Hockey International

Hockey For The Developmentally Challenged

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Brampton Battalion Special Needs 

Contact:  Jason Cormier.
Phone #:  416-917-6439.
Email:  JASONRCORMIER@aol.com
Website:  www.bramptonyouthhockey.com -(click on special needs).
Arena Name:  South Fletchers.
Arena Location: Mclaughlin/ south of  Steeles


Map supplied by arenamaps.com.







     Fun, friends, laughter, excitement, wearing Brampton Battalion jerseys, athletes with special needs, and oh yeah- HOCKEY.  These are some of the things that Brampton Specials Needs Hockey offers.

     From it’s start three years ago, and initial people such as Rick Doornink ( Coach ) and Lori-Anne Berthiaume ( Manager ) and tremendous support from the community, the program has blossomed from 11 to 25 players with more expected next year. 

     The program offers athletes with disabilities 5 and up, upon medical clearance, the chance to learn the game of hockey.  The season last from Sept-March, with an annual tournament involving 20+ teams from three countries.  Get this, next year the tournament is in WASHINGTON, D.C.

     In order to continue our success with Special Hockey International ( SHI ) Brampton’s team, we want your help.  We want more players to grow the team.  We also need volunteers to be trained as trainers, coaches, managers and promoters.  For those who want to donate, all donations are welcome.

     If you or someone you know love hockey and great athletes, and are interested in participating in any capacity, player or volunteer, please contact Jason Cormier ( Coach ) at (416)917-6439.








© 2004 Special Hockey International