Welcome to the Sigma Phi Epsilon New York Rho website.

We, the brothers of New York Rho at St. John's University, strive to embody the principles upon which our fraternity is based:
Virtue. Diligence and Brotherly Love. 

These principles have guided SigEp men since the fraternity's inception in 1901, and have helped make Sigma Phi Epsilon into what it is today: The Largest Fraternity in the Nation.

Sigma Phi Epsilon is supported by the Sigma Phi Epsilon Educational Foundation. The Foundation was founded to help develop the scholarship, leadership, citizenship, and personal potential of SigEp undergraduates. The Sigma Phi Epsilon Educational Foundation provided over $900,000 to Sigma Phi Epsilon in program support and scholarships in 2001.
The Balanced Man Program
NY Rho
in SigEp?
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(1) Read About the Balanced Man Program by clicking on the Balanced Man Symbol above.
(2) Click
HERE to find out about the Balanced Man Scholarship.
(3) SigEp- 2002 Lip Sync Winners.
(4) SigEp-2002 IFC Basketball Champs.

Sigma Phi Epsilon National WebSite
Last Update: 12/08/02 ~ WebMaster: Esau S. Chauca
St. John's University Web Site
The new millennium will prove to be pivotal as the fraternity system continues to be examined at every level by academic administrators, professors, parents, and the media. Sigma Phi Epsilon will promote leadership, academic excellence, and brotherhood through programs like the resident scholar program and the Balanced Man Scholarship. Sigma Phi Epsilon will continue to seek to create partnerships with university administrations.

The Balanced Man Program is hailed as the model for membership development in the Greek community, and Sigma Phi Epsilon's strategic plan is envied by many for its foresight. Through self-evaluation and unbending commitment by the National Board of Directors to hold the chapters accountable to Fraternity standards, Sigma Phi Epsilon will continue to be a leading fraternity.

Sigma Phi Epsilon is proud of its heritage as a pioneer with its members, its chapters, and the Greek community. This pride and commitment will continue to blaze the way into the Fraternity's second century.
The Future of SigEp