In the Name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful

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Islamic Word of the Day

May 22, 2003

This world or life, as opposed to the Hereafer.

This world.

This world/life in contrast to the hereafter.

May 21, 2003

Pronounced: Zikr

Remembrance. Remembrance of Allah in one's heart or be reciting His names or sections from the Qur'an.

Remembrance for the sake of Allah.

Remembrance, in particular, of Allah. Every action or utterance made for the sake of Allah can be considered dhikr.

Dhikr is sometimes counted on beads or the fingers.

May 20, 2003

Allah (Subhanawa Ta'ala) is (the name of the highly personal GOD of Islam), the Supreme being, the Creator of the Universe, the Head of all the Worlds, and the Master of the Day of Judgement. Usually Muslims use this word to refer to God.

The Arabic word for God.

The One God.

The Creator of the Universe. Allaah (subhanawa ta'aala) is singular and is not human nor part of a Trinity, as in Christianity.

The true name for the creator of the Universe is Allah. He is the Merciful, the Beneficent, the Knowledgeable, the Protector, the Mighty, the God, the Provider, the Exalted, the Lord, the All-Knowing, the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing, the Magnificent, the Wise, the Loving, the First, the Last, and the Eternal.

The Qur'an mentions around 100 beautiful names for Allah through which Muslims may understand and recognize Him, and His responsibilities for the whole Universe.

May 19, 2003
Pronounced - Al-haum-do-lil-lah

All praise belongs to Allah. Frequently used as an expression of thanks to Allah.

Literally means "All Praise be to Allaah".

All praises be to Allah.(Subhanawa Ta'ala)

May 18, 2003:
also SWT

Short for "Subhanawa Ta'ala"
Subhanawa Ta'ala - means, "Praise be to Him, The Most High".

An abbreviation for "Subhana wa Ta'ala"; used after God's name, it means "be He glorified and exalted".

These letters are abbreviations for the words of "Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala". When the name of Almighty Allah is pronounced, a Muslim is to show his respect to Him. The meaning of this statement is that Allah is purified of having partners or a son.

This is an expression that Muslims use whenever the name of Allah is pronounced or written. The meaning of this expression is: "Allah is pure of having partners and He is exalted from having a son."

Muslims believe that Allah is the only God, the Creator of the Universe. He does not have partners or children. Sometimes Muslims use other expressions when the name of Allah is written or pronounced. Some of which are: "'Azza Wa Jall": He is the Mighty and the Majestic; "Jalla Jalaluh": He is the exalted Majestic.

May 17, 2003:
Also spelled Daw'ah, Dawah.

Call. Inviting people to Islam, whether by literal invitation and preaching, or by the example of good actions.

Missionary work.

To invite all people to worship Allah as one without associating any partners with Him, in short - Islam.

The "call" to Islam; inviting people to learn more about Islam to encourage them to convert.

Inviting or calling people into Islam to worship Allah ("Subhanawa Ta'ala(swt) by following his Messenger, Muhammad (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam(saw).

To convey Islam to others. To Tell others about Islam. To call people to Allah by telling them about Islam through words, books, or actions.

May 16, 2003:
Pronounced Adzan, or Azan
Other Commonly Used Spellings: Aadhan, Adhaam.
Call to prayer. From the same root as, Mu'adhin (one who makes the call to prayer)

The call for the daily prayers are called Adhan. The person who calls the Adhan is called a Mu'adhin. A Mu'adhin calls the Adhan five times a day before Muslims are to perform their daily Salah (Prayer).

The Adhan is composed of specific words and phrases to be recited loudly in the Arabic language so that the neighbors can recognize the time schedule for the prayers.

The call to prayer pronounced loudly to indicate that the time of prayer has entered.

The Muslim call to prayer. Tells Muslims when the time to prayer is at hand.

When the time of Salah comes a man stands up just a little before and says aloud the call to prayer.

May 15, 2003:
Associating partners with Allah. Shirk can also encompase any object that a person may hold in regard higher than Allah. It is the most severe of sins and will not be forgiven.

Association. Regarding anything as being equal or partner to Allah. Shirk is forbidden in Islam.

Polytheism, associating partners in the worship of Allaah.

The associating of partners with God; usually translated as "polytheism" or "idolatry"

The unforgivable wrong action of worshipping something or someone other than Allah (swt) or associating something or someone as a partner with Him. Allah (swt) can not be conceived or perceived.

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