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Do you understand?

You came into my life with a genuine heart… a genuine heart. You gave it to me to trade for my happiness. I was content. You fed me your pride, love, and dignity. I was content. When you shed crystal tears; I drank them with no remorse. You traded in your own values to ease my pains. I was so content.

I was ungrateful when I had your love. I was insensitive when you asked me to understand. I was inconsiderate when you talked about your feelings. I was egocentric when it came to your needs. Every time I knocked you down, I thought you wouldn’t be able to get up, but you did. I thought you would give up, but you didn’t. I was blinded by my own belief. I didn’t want to get hurt… so I ended up hurting you. And I thought that it was ok, because all that was that mattered was the fact that I was content.

Never the least… I didn’t say I was sorry, until now. You somehow managed to break down all the solid walls that I’d build around me. You finally stood ground a place in my heart. At the same time you finally turned your back on me. You finally turned the knifepoint at me… but are you content?

What to look for... the next time.

To me... looks are not as important as they used to be. The looks might be there.... but the personality might not. She might even have a great personality, but it might not be what it seems. What I want is someone I can relate to and is compatible with me. I need someone that understands me for what I believe in... and shares those same beliefs. I need someone I can be intimate with, and look towards the same direction in life with. I am just like any other human being on earth that needs to be loved and taken care of...

I had reached a point in my life, where I felt "LOVE" was a thing of the past for me... There wasn’t any true love, there were nice people... it’s true, but no more love... no more sweet kisses or being swept off my feet... I guess "LOVE HURTS"...when I was ready to close the door on that chapter of "LOVE"... you walked in, and everything changed. Suddenly, I found myself smiling once again... And the more I learned about you, the more astounded I felt... There was no escaping...

Pretty VS Beautiful

Pretty is just a word to describe someone`s shell. Beautiful describes the entire person.

Many Nights… The Sleepless, Cold Nights…

I lay in the dark, and listen… I listen to cold wind whispering softly outside my window. The transparent glass blocks the frosty mists from invading the warmth of my room. In a slow motion like the silent, the bitter memories leap their way through my head.

Suddenly the warm air becomes dry and lacks of oxygen. My lungs become heavy and my breathing is in a short a quick rhythm. At any minute now, I’ll be suffocating from lack of oxygen. I sit up and wait for my breathing to go back to normal again. I wait. The memories continuing to linger in my mind causes my throat to tense up. I want to cry out but I do not dare to disturb the deadly silent dark. I’ll wait for this sentiment to go away; I know it will, in time.

The silent works like a cold wind carrying the memories with it. The pieces come and undo me again. The broken pieces come undone. It tears and rips into the empty and hollow soul. The laughter from the distant past rings loudly in my ears, it slices into my heart. I want to cry, I wish to cry so badly, but I don not dare to disturb the silence.

I shut my eyes and hope for distant laughter to drown away, but it doesn’t. The laughter circles and surrounds me, like a haunting image one cannot attack. My eyes, they grow blurry and I continue to experience the lack of air. The air has become stifle and hot. I battle the dark walking wearily to the tightly locked window… yet another battle and small meaningless victory.

A rush of cold air leaps quickly attacking my warm face, the frost dancing on my cheeks. I inhale the cleansing air as it magically revives my dying body. The wind howls and mutes the laughter, and soon the memories are lost in the wind. “Thank you”, I whisper to the hush and gentle breeze. Sleep is not going to easily tonight. I realize that morning will come and the sun will pierce a large opening in the darkness. I’ll wait for it. I want to be the first person to start a new day.

I have learned that:

1. It is important to choose your battles.
2. Being happy is easy, but being happiEST is life’s ultimate challenge.
3. Never let a broken heart take your chance of love away.
4. I’m only as deep as the waters around me.
5. All the plastic surgery, make-up, & trendy gear in the world… can’t
6. Men can only operate one of their heads at a time.
7. When you are at a low point in your life, look around to see who’s really there.
8. Laughter cures all things.
9. It’s not about the big `special occasions`; it’s all the moments between them that count most.
10. Money doesn’t grow on trees.
11. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
12. I tend to find the most amazing things in the most unexpected places.
13. Pain only goes as deep as you let it run.
14. You should always drink your liquor before beer.
15. It’s easier to train another puppy than to teach old dog new tricks.
16. You can close your eyes on things you don’t want to see, you can cover your ears on things you don’t want to hear but you can’t close your heart on things you don’t want to feel.

The inner wants of a Man

I want somebody to share, share the rest of my life…share my innermost thoughts, know my intimate details…someone who’ll stand by my side and give me support, and in return, she’ll get my support. She will listen to me when I want to speak, about the world we live in, and life in general... though my views may be wrong, they may even be perverted, she will hear me out and won’t easily be converted, to my way of thinking, in fact she’ll often disagree… but at the end of it all, she will understand me… I want somebody who cares for me passionately with every thought and with every breath, someone who’ll help me see things in a different light… all the things I detest, I will almost like... I don’t want to be tied to anyone’s strings, I’m carefully trying to steer clear of those things... but when I’m asleep I want somebody, who will put their arms around me and kiss me tenderly... and though things like this, make me sick, in a case like this, I’ll get away with it.


If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it. Change, scary because either good or bad may be the result but it always leads to a future whether you like it or not. I believe the saddest thing in life, is caring so much for someone and then one day you look into their eyes and listen to them talk and realize that they are gone. All you see in front of you is a stranger with just a known name... You can’t make someone love you just as mush as you can’t always make yourself love someone. All you can do is being someone who can be loved and the rest is up to the person to realize your worth. They say that beauty is within the eye of the beholder, but the way I look at it, TRUE beauty is within the heart of the beholder.

People are wrong to talk about choice in love, because, as soon as there is a choice made, it can only be wrong. You cannot choose. It only happens. Simply happens. From what love can ever be born? Maybe it comes after an earthquake or maybe even from a mistake, but certainly not from a choice…

Nights Awakening

I found out why I can’t sleep at night. I think this is because I don’t really want to fall asleep. Everyday I loose a little bit of my life doing a thousand of uninteresting things that people call duties, that don’t give you any satisfaction. But at midnight you can start to live. It’s the time when relaxation comes to me. And then, I can start to play, the comedy of life. I don’t ever want to sleep because I loose precious moments. Moments when I can really live, even though my eyes are closing by themselves, I try to stay awake, to live a little bit more, a little bit longer.

College crime, an uprising has come

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. So, I’ve decided to stop procrastinating and do something. I picked up the old sword and started swinging it round and realized, where’s my form? Where’s the speed and strength I used to enhance my blade with? I have been victim of a serious crime, a crime by the name of college life. An uneasy feeling of defeat came over my body, but I refuse to believe such rubbish. How can one single year do so much damage? I shot some arrows from my compound bow… 9 out of 15, not like my usual 11-13. I realize that there is serious work to be done. I used to think of myself as an above average athlete but my sports, out door activities, and ninja training have dropped immensely. I feel pain, something which I am not used to, a feeling, which has been a stranger for a long time but reunited by college friends. Is this growing or could this be improvement, or … could it be … is my body dying? I know the source, the father of poison … and I will rise, I will defeat this, this change of being a better slave to the brains of society. Body and mind must work together and I shall defeat the poisoned stream, which the body drinks.

More Than We Know

How can you stop a feeling when it's down in your heart,
telling you to do something or feel something that certain way about something.
You can't really lie to your heart or deceive it,
because the heart feels what it feels, our emotions.
We are only human and when something in our past hurts,
it affects the way we think in the future.
We start to think of everyone and what they've done to us.
Is this needed? This kind of pain and suffering,
the sadness that no person should have but we do.
Make your heart see the truth that you are worth it.
You are worth more than the freedom you get.
You are worth more than Silver and Gold.
You are worth more than the credit you're given.
You are worth more than what people say.
You are worth the happiness.
You are worth the joys of companionship.
You are worth the affection of others.
You are worth the life you were given.
You are worth so much more than you know.
Don't realize this and do nothing about it,
but take that step and change yourself to the better.
Time is the key and you have it in your reaches.
Don't let it slip away but harness it are become its ally.

Loves Form

We cannot all be the epitome of perfection. Though, many would prefer such a life myself as a victim. I’m a twenty-year-old male composed of 50% normality and 51% extensive incongruity. I am nothing spectacular for the mind, body and soul. I’m simply a guy feeding off the lives of others. Somewhat Vampire like come to think of it. What is desired is nothing that I can be given freely. I exist merely to please others the best I can.

Have you ever looked into someone’s eyes, and feeling an asphyxiating emotion that takes over the entirety of your both mental and physical being? Ever felt your chest swell with a thousand words, yet you cannot come to express anything? You gasp for air because you know this time you lack the strength to pull through and there’s nothing you can do but to be drowned into ecstasy? Have you ever been entranced by their presence, that each move you make, no matter how hard you try, tends to only fall in slow motion - and you try to walk away but your feet refused to move? Ever felt weightlessness without leaving the ground spending endless seconds in a state of free fall? You feel this overwhelming emotion that heightens your sensitivity and magnifies your awareness of the possibility of true love. An explosion of overwhelming joys is but a fragment of the intense situation you are in… bliss swims through your body but fear is at your neck. You attack the vision with caressing arms, slowly becoming one in flesh, each movement falls into a perfect rhythm of two hearts beating. You are intoxicated, you are imprisoned, you are safe but in danger. You are… stop… think… you are now either yourself or magically altered, a new meandering… one.

(`*·.¸(`*·.¸ ¸.·*´)¸.·*´)
«´¨`·.!*Loves*Form*! .·´¨`»
(¸.·`´(¸.·`´``·.¸)`` ·.¸)
.·:*´¨`*:·.. ·:*´¨`*:·.


Being apart from you isn’t easy... I find myself missing you so often, in so many ways...but even though we can’t be together right now. Gentle thoughts of you fill my days and dreams of you fill my nights... No matter what I’m doing, I know it would be so much nicer if I could be sharing it with you... I keep imagining things you’d say if you were with me now, or the way you would laugh if something funny happened, and next thing I know, I’m daydreaming about all the things we’ll do when we’re together again... Although the miles come between us now, I still feel so close to you, and I just keep hoping the days will fly by because I want you beside me to talk to, to hold, to love.

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Short Mature Jokes For Both Genders:
(WARNING, Some jokes may be offensive so read at your own risk!)

Q :. Did you hear about the Chinese couple that had a retarded baby?

~~~ A :. They named him Sum Ting Wong.


Q :. What's the best form of birth control after 50?
~~~ A :. Nudity


Q :. What's the difference between a girlfriend and a wife?
~~~ A :. 45 lbs.


Q :. What's the difference between a boyfriend and a husband?
~~~ A :. 45 minutes.


Q :. What's the fastest way to a man's heart?
~~~ A :. Through his chest with a sharp knife.


Q :. Why do men want to marry virgins?
~~~ A :. They can't stand criticism.


Q :. Why is it so hard for women to find men who are sensitive, caring, and good-looking?

~~~ A :. Because those men already have boyfriends.


Q :. What's the difference between a new husband and a new dog?

~~~ A :. After a year, the dog is still excited to see you.


Q :. What makes men chase women they have no intention of marrying?

~~~ A :. The same urge that makes dogs chase cars they have no intention of driving.


Q :. What do you call a smart blonde?

~~~ A :. A golden retriever.


Q :. Why does the bride always wear white?

~~~ A :. Because it's good for the dishwasher

~~~ A :. To match the stove and refrigerator


Q :. A brunette, a blonde, and a redhead are all in third grade. Who has the biggest boobs?

~~~ A :. The blonde, because she's 18


Q :. Which S3XUAL position produces the ugliest children?

~~~ A :. Ask your mom.


Q :. How do you know when you're really ugly?

~~~ A :. Dogs hump your leg with their eyes closed.


Q :. How do you know when you're leading a pathetic life?

~~~ A :. When a nymphomaniac tells you, "Lets just be friends."


Q :. If Mom's have Mother's day, Dad's have Fathers day, what do single guys have?

~~~ A :. Palm Sunday.


Q :. What does a 75 year old woman have between her breasts?

~~~ A :. Her navel.


Q :. What has a whole bunch of little balls and screws old ladies?

~~~ A :. Bingo machine.


Q :. What's the difference between a porcupine and a BMW?

~~~ A :. A porcupine has the pricks on the outside.


Q :. Why did God create alcohol?

~~~ A :. So ugly people could have S3X, too.


Q :. What did the blonde say when she found out she was pregnant?

~~~ A :. "Are you sure it's mine?"


Q :. What's the difference between Beer Nuts and Deer Nuts?

~~~ A :. Beer Nuts are $1, and Deer Nuts are always under a buck.


Q :. Why does Mike Tyson cry during S3X?

~~~ A :. Mace will do that to you.


Q :. Why did OJ Simpson want to move to West Virginia?

~~~ A :. Everyone has the same DNA.


Q :. What would you call it when an Italian has one arm shorter than the other?

~~~ A :. A speech impediment.


Q :. Why do men find it difficult to make eye contact?

~~~ A :. Breasts don't have eyes.


Q :. What do you call an Alabama farmer with a sheep under each arm?

~~~ A :. A pimp.


Q :. Why do drivers education classes in redneck schools use the car only on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays?

~~~ A :. Because on Tuesday and Thursday, the S3X Ed class uses it.


Q :. What's the difference between a Southern zoo and a Northern zoo?

~~~ A :. A Southern zoo has a description of the animal on the front the cage, along with a recipe.


Q :. What's the Cuban National Anthem?

~~~ A :. Row, row, row your boat.


Q :. What's the difference between a Northern fairytale and a Southern fairytale?

~~~ A :. A Northern fairytale begins "Once upon a time." A Southern fairytale begins "Y'all ain't gonna believe this shiet."

Some Useless Facts!

1. Diet coke was only invented in 1982

2. Astronaut Neil Armstrong first stepped on the moon with his left foot

3. You use more calories eating celery than there are in celery itself

4. The entire length of all eyelashes shed by a human in their life is over 30 meters

5. The average woman consumes 6 lbs of lipstick in her lifetimes

6. The average person swallows 8 spiders a year (in their sleep usually)

7. It only takes 7 lbs of pressure to rip your ear off

8. On average there are 178 sesame seeds on each McDonalds Big-Mac Bun

9. 13 people each year are killed by Vending Machines falling down on them

10. 4 million people die annually from diarrhea infections, caused by poor sanitary conditions

11. You cannot kill yourself by holding your breath

12. Money isn’t made out of paper, it’s made out of cotton

13. A duck’s quack doesn’t echo. No one knows why!

14. 315 entries in Webster’s 1996 Dictionary were misspelled

15. On average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents daily

16. Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.

17. Over 2,500 left handed people a year are killed from using products made for right-handed people

18. Wrong numbers are never busy… (Maybe once in a lifetime)

19. It is estimated at any one time, 0.7% of the world’s population are drunk

20. Nearly 25% of Americans think that the Bible predicted the 9-11 attacks

21. It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open

22. 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321