Aunty Cia

A Proud Aunt of the Bride

Saturday, June 8, 2002
Suburbia, CA


The long-awaited wedding day has finally arrived.

On the surface, my friend Cia appeared calm, collected, and almost nonchalant about the upcoming nuptials all week, but I knew it was a fascade, a way to contain her excitement and keep her mind on the job.

Just beneath the surface, she was seething with anticipation for today's wedding. I know it, because I felt it, and she's been all aglow.

Brimming with hopes and aspirations for her niece, Cia is the proud aunt of Kristen, who will wed her fiancé Sean in a few short hours. 



When we received Kristen's and Sean's wedding invitation last month, I was honestly surprised. Cia had told me that it was going to be a wedding-at-sea, and the yacht's capacity was limited. 

"About a 100 people," Cia said. Learning this,  I also felt deeply honored that we were invited.


Honored, because I know how close and dear Kristen and her mother, who is Cia's sister, Patricia, are to Cia.  And with every baby-sitting experience that she recounts to me, Great-aunt Cia is falling head over heels in love with her grand-nephew, Kel. 

Moons ago, when she was in high school, Kristen worked in our office with us. She is an intelligent young woman, poised, wise and mature beyond her years. Cia was hoping Kristen might get interested in our field.  This was not to be as Kristen is a dancer at heart, and instead enrolled in dancing classes at the local college.

What was meant to be is that Kristen fell in love with Hawai`i when she accompanied Cia on one of her five trips there in three years. For a period of time, Kristen even considered going to school at the University of Hawai`i.  I am hoping that she and Sean will one day honeymoon in Hawai`i.

Because of Cia, everyone in her family is dear to me, especially Kristen.  Over the years, I've come to know each family member from Cia, herself, as well as their visits to our office. 

We've never been all together in a social context.  This will be fun. I am especially looking forward to meeting her younger brother, Ray.  He is the apple of his sister's eye, and they share a sweet and devoted brother-sister relationship.



Most of all, I am excited and elated, because we, DH and I, know what a bonanza of happiness being married can be. As will be everyone else's at the wedding, especially their Aunt Cia's, our fervent hope for Kristen and Sean is this:  they will enjoy marriage to the fullest. 

By our presence today, we will witness, support, and rejoice in their public commitment to one another.  We will give them our blessing, along with those of all their wedding guests, especially their Aunty Cia.

"Life is a Gift."

Me ke Aloha, 
Author Unknown


 "The only gift is a portion of thyself..."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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This web journal was created on a September Morn, 
September 29, 2001
September Morn © 2002