"Age Ain't No Place for Sissies"
~ Bette Davis

Wednesday, October 24, 2001


With the receipt of our AARP letters last month, we are officially in Our Golden Years.  At 50 years, we are eligible to join the ranks of those actively celebrating their senior citizenry as a group.

Earlier in the day, Doris K and Mary Jane stopped by the office and let me know that Da Hawaii Club's was meeting at 6, with Doris leaving me a year's schedule of events.  


Forty is the old age of youth, 
fifty is the youth of old age.

~ Victor Hugo 

Mr. Twinkle Toes, Fred Astaire, said, "Old age is like everything else. To make a success of it, you've got to start young."  

Our intention is to be successful old agers.  Since our birthdays were just last month and this is the club's first meeting, we are starting as young as possible. Taking Fred's advice, after work this evening, we drove to the Senior Center at Pat Nixon Park to join Da Hawaii Club. 

Built in the Craftsman architectural style with river rock columns, wood trellises, and an abundance of woodwork and multi-paned windows, the building is a fine, handsome place that is easy on the eyes and with a distinctly Japanese flavor.

The interior wood cabinetry is impressive. A focal point of the entrance's foyer area is the salt water aquarium built right into a wall, filled with vibrantly colored reef fishes that we grew up with in Hawai`i. Further back into the building is a spacious living area that communicates:  Hearth, Home, & Family.

Da Hawaii Club is absolutely the most Hawaiian of groups, as every member has Hawaiian roots or is connected to someone who does. Having presented health lectures at the center,  I knew this is a cohesive group with fun-loving,  Aloha Spirited members.  I couldn't wait to turn 50 to join them.  Today finally arrived.  

We do not join this group as strangers. Many are already dear, dear friends, including Sharon & Keith K, Toby & Dave F, Jeanette & Harry A, Arlene & Roy T, Doris and Harold K, MJ and Kay F, Hedy, and Gylene.

Arriving late, we sat at one of the tables toward the back, and our friends, multi-talented Hedy and vibrant Mary Jane, came over to join us.  Later, we met new friends, Hilda & Max C, from Papaikou and Hakalau, respectively, and Gladys from Kauai.  

The activities for the evening included a Spam musubi contest, a light supper, BINGO with prizes like Kaua`i Cookies, and lots of island-style  talk story.  I was blessed with beginner's Bingo luck,  and I won two packages of cookies while talking story with Keith and Sharon!  The meeting ended the singing of Hawaii Aloha, with members holding hands to form a circle of friends and Aloha.

After the meeting, DH and I toured the facility. This is a place to that attends to the body, the mind, and the heart, a place to remain vigorous by exercising, studying, and loving. 

I really like this place: there's a cozy satellite city library with a fine selection of  large-print books, newspapers, and magazine; a well-equipped weight and exercise room, a multimedia room, an art room to paint or play with clay, a room with a wide-open dance floor for us to dance on, and a billiards room where I can brush up my neglected pool skills.  

At 10 pm, it was a happening place. We did not see a single sissy in the place. 

The golden age is before us, not behind us.
~ St. Simon


The city has a reserve of $150 million, which generates interest payments of $11.5 million dollars a year.  They are putting some of these extra funds to build an addition to the center. As a tax-paying resident for almost 20 years, I'm happy to see my tax dollars are going to good use.  I approve!

I'm looking forward to our next meeting, Next time, I am going to seek out this sculpture:  Serenade. In the meantime, I am praying for my friend, Hedy. Pray for her too.  Just pray. God knows who she is.

We are going to be the best senior citizens that we can be.  No sissies, we're flowing right into our 50s and all the perks that come with it, rather than cowering from it as some do.  We're not wasting any of our Golden Years. 

I'm embracing my senior years:  I'm sending in our membership form to the AARP...checking out the 50+ Friends Website and adding this humorous Senior one-liner to this page for you to enjoy: 

"I haven't lost my mind 
-- it's backed up on a disk."

"Life is a Gift."

Author Unknown


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This web journal was created on a September Morn, September 29, 2001.
September Morn © 2001