It's Beginning to Look a Lot like Christmas

Wednesday, December 12, 2001
The LA 'Burbs

Holiday Greetings,

>> It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas (midi).

This week, we've returned home every day to find a package on our doorstep. They could all have been filled with coal, and we would have been delighted, as all four packages are from our dearest kith and kin in Hawai`i.

With the packages come their thoughts and their Aloha.  Like kids on Christmas Day, we tear open the boxes with glee, and then we turn back into adults and resist the impulse to open the presents themselves.

As we pulled out the gifts from within, we smile and send back our loving thoughts and Aloha to the senders.

The first, from our buds on O`ahu, Wayne and Lynn, is a basket that is spectacularly wrapped in cellophane, and we are resisting every urge not to rip it open RIGHT NOW, as we can see that it  is filled with tasty and crunchy island goodies, `ono, "brok' da mout'" stuff only born and bred islanders can fully appreciate. <salivating>

The second, from our sweeties on Maui, Poonz and K, is a gorgeous gift basket, elegantly wrapped in royal purple ribbon, filled with the best baked goods from our home island of Hawai`i. Each is individually wrapped and hand-packed to reduce breakage.  Knowing how every bite is a taste of heaven, we are in purgatory right now, wanting to bust it open, but being good little children ... aaargh!

Da t'ird -- I mean, the third (I'm really getting in the island mode now) -- from my brother and sister-in-law in Makawao and his family is a huge cardboard box with FRAGILE and BREAKABLE written on it.  We dug out a bright red wrapped present from ample newspaper stuffing.  So far I've  resisted the urge to gently rattle it to get a hint of what could be insai' ... hmmmm.

The fourth is from my parents-in-law in Hilo, again a big brown box.  This one stuffed with many little wrapped presents, also wrapped with newspapers. My mother-in-law is a born shopper, and she picks up some amazing finds on her forays. Our home is filled with Hawaiian crafts from her, maybe these are more? <fingers crossed>

Now here's my favorite part of receiving packages from Hawai`i:  I smooth out the wrinkled newspapers to read them from front page to back, even the obits and the police blotter!  Weird, I know, but there's nothing more cozy and home-towny than reading the local paper, whether it's the Maui News or the Hilo Tribune-Herald.

Home may be over 2000 miles away, but it is where the heart is...


"Life is a Gift."

Impatiently waiting for Christmas Day,
Author Unknown

P.S.  If you would like to share a portion of yourself with words, in response to this journal entry, you may do it here.  

 "The only gift is a portion of thyself..."
Ralph Waldo Emerson


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This web journal was created on a September Morn, 
September 29, 2001
September Morn © 2001