Aquarium of the Pacific

Thursday, December 27, 2001
Suburbia to the coastline

Happy Post-Holidays!

Dolphin Sculpture
Aquarium of the Pacific,
Long Beach, California

Our little girl, O, is one furry critter.  Her undercoat is thick and prone to tangles. Looking for her dog comb, last night, I came across two tickets to the aquarium in Long Beach.  They were given to us by a friend that we had met at the E Hula Mau competition in Long Beach in 2000 and again in 2001.

His name is Rennie, a retired professional photographer who volunteered as a docent at the aquarium. On the last day of the competition, he gifted us with these tickets to thank us for twice driving him back to the Aquarium.

"Oh-oh," I said to DH as I pulled them from my purse, "these are going to expire on the 31st!"

So, this morning, instead of driving up to the mountains, we drove down to the coastline. Hoping he'd be there to show us around, we asked for Rennie as we went through the turnstiles of the aquarium.  

"Rennie no longer volunteers here," said the ticket attendant. "He lost his sight." 

Ohh, we knew it was coming. I'd written about his inevitable vision loss in 2000  when we'd first met him: E Hula Mau 2000. But the dreadful news still surprised us.  

I said a prayer for Rennie and resolved to see his beloved aquarium through his eyes.  What I saw was inspiring, mind-boggling, and beyond anything I have ever seen.

The Aquarium of the Pacific is magnificent.  

>> An excellent website of the Aquarium of the Pacific

We were thoroughly impressed with its breadth and presentation.  I snapped these photos, and although photos can never fully capture Nature's full beauty, I think these got close and Rennie would be pleased. 

Ironically, looking for a comb, 
I end up finding the Comb Jellyfish.  
They are Nature's marvels with streaming iridescence.
Click here for an enlargement

This may look like strands of straggly sargasso seaweed. 
 Look closer.
It's a sea dragon with fantastic camouflage. 
Click here for an enlargement

Dancing Jellyfish
Pretty darn otherworldly, 
but there they were, before our very eyes.
Click here for an enlargement

The beauty was beyond words, and I was comforted that Rennie had spent his last days of sight seeing these incredible visual treats.  Thank you, friend.

God bless Rennie.


"Life is a Gift."

Author Unknown

P.S.  If you would like to share a portion of yourself with words, in response to this journal entry, you may do it here.  

 "The only gift is a portion of thyself..."
Ralph Waldo Emerson


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This web journal was created on a September Morn, 
September 29, 2001
September Morn © 2001