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Thank you, Lady Aquaina

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Welcome to my world of spiritual living.
Here you will find a little bit of information on
earthbound magick and spiritual beliefs. Here are some of
the things you might find in my little world, information on
color correspondance, how to make your own B.O.S.,
explination on ritual tools, what they are and how we use
them, spellcrafting, who we are and what we believe.

This site is always changing, i am forever coming up
with new ideas so as to make this site not so boring.

I have even made a smiley page,
be sure to check it out, they are so cute.
Oh how i love little smiley faces.

If you have any ideas of your own,
please do not hesitate to e-mail them to me.
I will consider all ideas and they will most
definitly have your name at the bottom of that page, giving
you credit and letting everyone know that you helped.

Thank you for roaming my world.

May the love and light of our Lord and Lady
guide you through the hills of spirits.

To the best of my knowledge, all graphics and/or text within this site are
public domain, unless otherwise noted or copyrighted by Spellcrafting Via Welkin.
If you hold claim to any of the text and/or images found within this site and do
not wish them to be displayed, E-mail Lady Aquania with verification of ownership
and I will promptly remove it from this site or place credit for it's use.

Copyright © Spellcrafitng Via Welkin. All rights reserved.

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