Hello and welcome to "Squirrelily's Square". Please make yourself at home.

Let me start by introducing myself. My name is the Cindy. I am Mother, Grandmother, and wife. I am what most would call a country girl.

I have been blessed with with 2 wonderful children and 5 Grandchildren. My kids and Grandkids our my heart and soul. I have always wanted to be a Grandmother or Granny or Grandma. When my first grandchild was born in 1987, I couldn't wait to be called Grandma..Well that day has never came. I have been called Nana from day one. Donavan my oldest grandchild called me Nana and all the others after him have heard what he has called me and all of them now say Nana.

My story really starts with Donavan and the way kids talk (you know the way they say things) He was out to our house for one of those over night visits and in the morning he ask for some Car Coons (I know what your thinking, no such thing) well after about 10 minutes of trying to understand what he wanted and laughing a lot we finally called mommy and ask her if she knew what a Car Coon was? Mommy says no, never heard of it. So Nana and Donavan went around the house and in every room Nana would say is there any Car Coons in here, like the living room (no) bathroom (no) etc.(no) well where would they be Donavan? In here Nana (here was in the TV room) Well I don't see any in Nana's house I am sorry. He starts to cry and says turn on the tb (TV) I did and he says Car Coons now do you know what a Car Coon is?....It is in all reality a Cartoon. This story in real life took me 2 hours to get to the TV....This is one of many stories I could tell. I now have 5 grandchildren,and finally after my son had his I became a grandma, but they live way up in Massachusetts a 13 hour drive for me, so I guess I will be Nana forever.

Donavan is now 12 and still calls me Nana. Donavan's nickname is Suga Lump. Megan's nickname is Pooh Pooh, Heather's is Hetter Better. Terry is Terry Berry. Christopher is just my sweet Christopher he calls me grandma a lot.
Now, where are my little buddies?
Click on the sitemap to help me find them!


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