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About me
About me and IPD

Well. What to say: I'm a 27 year old man who lives in Berlin Germany. I came into the IPD about three years ago. Almost without knowing how it happens I became the leader of this guild.
Now that is almost two years ago. Sometimes I do wonder why this guild is still active, or rather semi active. But I am really glad it is. I have invited many friends of me to join them, some refused, some accepted.

About me and RPG

I started roleplaying games a few years ago, more than 10 at least, first using a compute roleplaying game. Then I found the old RPGamers Forum (which has been disbanded not long ago),
There are some Roleplaying games I do play but the real favorite is
D&D and AD&D.

And then there is Ultima Online, a multiuser roleplaying game, that is rather fun. There I play one Sir Robert, who is member of a guild called "Circle of Rugal" and Endra, a new character .(Atlantic Shard).

About me and my life

I was born and raised in Munich, went to school there and got a few friends. Then my family went to Berlin, and dragged me with them. First I have cursed that but no longer.
Due the fact that I seldom saw my best friend Andy, I had to join the Internet Community, thus becoming leader of the IPD and not only that.. I met a lady online, who now holds my heart and my soul, even though I never met her face to face, just phonetalks, internetchats, and pictures. But I love Cass.
Now she was here and it had been wonderful two weeks.
And YES, We are ENGAGED!
The Wedding will be in Athens, Ohio where she is living with her family. I plan to move to the USA, settling down with her.
And this movement will be very soon. See the countdown. I am very nervous about that, as I am not only seeing my love again, but I will move to a new life you could say.
We don't know the exact date of the wedding, as we try to marry as soon as possible. But the wedding party will be at
JUNE 16th 2001

My new life
Well, now I have finally arrived in the States. And Cass and I have actually married on April, 2nd 2001, but we will still have the ceremonial one in June.
I am now Staff in the Forum Gamers and will soon be Associated Sysop. This means I am responsible that other will have fun.
I love my new life.. A wonderful wife, two wonderful dogs, and great new family. I could not be happier.

New Responsibilities and double married
Well. I'm now an Associate Sysop in the Gamers forum, which is a good thing, as I love this stuff and have a CompuServe account for free.
Cass and I had he ceremonial wedding, as planned on June 16th.
I'm still waiting for the INS [Immigration and Naturalisation Service] to accept me as "Resident Alien"

New home found, old home lost
alas! Some thing good comes to an end. One day before my 28th birthday we where informed that the Gamers Forum will be closed. Permanently. I do mourn the loss, but not as much as I could do. I will lose, of course, my free compuserve account, but we have already pre-subscribed to an even faster and more reliable ISP.
We are now in our own Apartement, and I love it.
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New home.. (cont)

The loss of Gamers forum is a bit softened, as we have new places to play at.
I am in Ultima Online in a new guild, the Knights of Sosaria. This new guild is much better than the Circle of Rugal as they are part of the ongoing, player run games.