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Stage Name and Description Picture of Stage
Infinate Glacier:
Icicle Mountain

The stage moves while you are fighting, so it is hard to find a good spot to fight. Some of the ice structures and platforms may drop, or break. Try to stay near the center of the level.
Mushroom Kingdom:
Princess Peach's Castle

This level is relatively flat, making it a good place to fight. Buttons can unlock hidden platforms or boxes with items, but watch out for the huge Bullet Bills that shoot across the screen destroying everything in their path.
Mushroom Kingdom:
Rainbow Cruise

Like a few others, this stage moves as well. You fight in the skies with falling platforms, and other hazards. Just like in Icicle Mountain, you should try to stay near the center of the stage.
DK Island:
Kongo Jungle

A fairly big level with many platforms. Sometimes the wooden ones tend to move or tilt. To the left of the stage there is a rock which makes a nice platform to land on. There is a barrel near the bottom of the stage, and if you fall into it, you can shoot yourself out. Just don't shoot yourself down the waterfall!
DK Island:
Jungle Japes

There is not much room to fight in this stage, but there are two small platforms on either side of it, and a third on top the main platform. There are not many dangers in this level besides the water which does nothing really. There is also a Klap Trap that swims around, and sometimes it hops out of the water.
Great Bay

The turtle on the right side of the stage will go underwater when it wants to. It will shake it's head before it does. The stage itself has 3 platforms, not including the 2 trees on the turtles back.

This is s huge stage, one of the biggest in the game. There are many platforms, and small places to hide in. This stage is great for beginners, because there are no hazards besides the enemy.
Yoshi's Island:
Yoshi's Story

There are just three platforms which don't move or do anything special. Not much happens in this level exept that a few Shy Guys fly by, and if you attack them, they drop the food that they are carrying.
Yoshi's Island:
Yoshi's Island

A pretty small stage; there is a pipe on the left side (you can't go through it) and a 45° angled hill on the other side. If you hit the blocks, they turn, so be careful you don't fall through at the bottom, because you will have a slim chance of getting back up.
Dream Land:
Fountain of Dreams

This is a small stage with a very nice background. The platforms move up and down and sometimes disappear (they go into the ground). You fight on the water, so it makes a slight splash when you land on the arena.
Dream Land:
Green Greens

The blocks on either side fall from the sky and may be broken. Watch out for the bombs in the blocks. Whispy Woods, standing in the center of the stage may try to blow you off. He also may shoot out apples.
Lylat System:

A very long and relatively flat level that is staged on the back of the Great Fox. The Arwing that flies around can shoot you, and the laser on the front of the Great Fox can also shoot you. You may also stand on it.
Lylat System:

In Venom, opponents fight on the four wings of the Great Fox. An Arwing may come to shoot you while you fight. The background changes from night to day during the battle.
SuperFlat World:
Flat Zone

Mr. Game & Watch's 2D level is, well, flat. You can jump on the platforms which move, on the house, or on the railing. Watch out for the tools that fall from the sky during the game.
Planet Zebes:

Becareful you don't get caught in the acid when it rises. The two platforms on either side move when you destroy the stringy thing that holds them in place. If you attack the green cylinders, the stage will separate at that spot.
Planet Zebes:
Brinstar Depths

Kraid, the giant lizard dude causes the whole stage to rotate making it a tough place to fight on. Always try to stay on top, because there are hardly and places to grab on to.

There are many platforms in Onett. You can jump on the roof tops, the awnings (which will colapse when attacked or whenever they want), and the trees make good landing pads. When an exclamation mark appears, it means that a car will come to try and run over you.

Fight on top of the buildings in this stage. They are all stationary exept for a platform on the far left that tends to move. A slippery spaceship comes during the fight, which makes a good platform to land on.
F-Zero Grand Prix:
Mute City

When the yellow exclamation mark appears, it means you have to get on the main platform which rises from the ground. If you don't, the ground hurts you. When it goes beneath the ground, you fight on the road, but watch out for the passing F-Zero racers, because they won't stop for you!
F-Zero Grand Prix:
Big Blue

Fight on the vehicles of F-Zero racers as they are moving. You can also fight on the Falcon Flyer. Becareful you don't land on the road, because you might get left way behind in the dust if you don't jump up quickly enough.
Pokemon Stadium

This is a pretty basic level with two platforms and a TV in the background that films you. At some points in the game, the stage will change into a Pokemon playground with trees that could get in the way. It changes back after a while.
Kanto Skies:
Poke Floats

You fight on huge Pokemon in this stage. The stage moves, so try to stay near the center so you won't get left behind. The Pokemon can move, so sometime you will have to jump on others, like on Unowns that fly by.

All the blocks that are made out of bricks can be broken. They eventually come back. The ones that have question marks on them usually contain items. If you stand on one side of the scale, the other goes up, and if you don't get off in time, it falls down.
Kingdom II

Logs fall on either side of the water fall, but the one in the middle stay stationary. You can land on the Pidgit's magic carpet, and float around with it. Birdo will sometimes come from the side of the stage, and shoot eggs out at the players.
Special Stages:

Is a basic level with three platforms. Usually, you would fight the Fighting Wire-Frames here or a metal character. There becomes less gravity while fighting the Wire-Frames which allows you to stay up in the air for a longer period of time.
Special Stages:
Final Destination

This level has no platforms, which makes it good for 1 on 1 fights. You normally would fight bosses here such as Master Hand or Bowser. It is found only in SSBM, so Nintendo came up with it originally.
Past Stages:

Like on the Nintendo 64, Whispy Woods tries to blow you off the stage. It is very small, which makes it good for 1 on 1 battles. There are 3 platforms above the main one.
Past Stages:
Yoshi's Island

The exact same on the N64, none of the platforms move. There are three clouds; 1 on the left, 2 on the right. They will hold you up for a short while if you land on them, but if you stay on them too long, they will fade away.
Past Stages:
Kongo Jungle

The same as the N64 version, none of the platforms move. The stage is small, but there is a barrel at the bottom, that if you fall into it, you can try and shoot yourself back on the stage.